"Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
>I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
>the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
>CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
>useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or
How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best
INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).
How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?
>I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
>and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
>ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
>simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
>ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
>variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
>points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
>range or address.
And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for
That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
wheels must Microsoft reinvent?