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Results 1 to 19 of 19


  1. #1
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or

    How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best

    INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).

    How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

    >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    >range or address.

    And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for

    That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  2. #2
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    Thanks Harlan

    I have been assuming that the OFFSET() function returned a value instead
    of a potential range reference and I quite glossed over the height and width
    parameters. I assume from your comments that the INDIRECT([constructed
    string]) method is rather inefficient for the purpose intended. I thought so
    too. For my application, the only change required of your formula is to add
    each previous value (M2 + MATCH(...)) to obtain a vector table referenced to
    the head to the head of the column. Hopefully this exchange has enlightened
    others to this application possibility.


  3. #3
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    >statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:



    Again, USE OFFSET!


    mistake and demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of how to use
    Excel efficiently.

    >As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    >dynamic indirect range. . . .

    So? In your original proposal you had mooted the following.

    >>I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >>and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to

    This had nothing whatsoever to do with your proposed RANGE function. I was
    just pointing out that your proposed ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) is unnecessary since
    it's already provided by CELL("Address",$A$10) or CELL("Address",A10). Just
    see what you get from


    Now, as for the underlying reasons this (mercifully) won't happen, curly
    braces are already part of the syntax, used to delimit array constants.
    While operator, or in this case delimiter, overloading isn't completely out
    of the question, Microsoft is very unlikely to complicate Excel's formula
    syntax to that degree. Restricting this just to ADDRESS would require that
    ADDRESS be parsed specially, apart from other functions. That's almost
    certainly not going to happen.

    > . . . My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    >for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification
    >might be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand
    >notation for the ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row
    >or column numbers are the required values.

    RANGE is unnecessary because INDIRECT(ADDRESS(.)) is always a mistake. The
    OFFSET function already exists to provide the functionality you claim to
    seek. It's obvious you're unfamiliar with it. Your time would be better
    spent learning how to use it than on pipe dreams for redundant, unnecessary
    new functionality that wouldn't be likely to make it into Excel for a
    decade. (Yes, a decade - it took Microsoft almost 10 years from when then
    Borland introduced colored worksheet tabs in Quattro Pro to make them a
    feature in Excel 2002. What you're asking for is a heck of a lot harder to

    >My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    >functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    And a further tribute that there are already functions in Excel that make
    certain complex formula constructs unnecessary, such as

    That said, some proposals are fine. Others deserve to be shot down in

  4. #4
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function


    An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:
    copied down to create a sequential table of offsets or pointers to rows
    containing valid data where $B$7 stores the (data-set dependant) last active
    row number and column $L$* contains the data validity tests. After the last
    valid (TRUE) row is found, the function returns NA!. M2 points to the first
    valid row.

    As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    dynamic indirect range. My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification might
    be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand notation for the
    ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row or column numbers are
    the required values.

    My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:

    > "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    > >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    > >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    > >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or
    > >quality.

    > How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best
    > unclear.
    > INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    > this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).
    > How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?
    > >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    > >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    > >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    > >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    > >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    > >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    > >range or address.

    > And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for
    > That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    > wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Andy Wiggins" <ng20050514@BygSoftwareREMOVEDOT.com> wrote...
    >I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality
    >that Lotus 123 has had for years and years. However, we have to
    >bear in mind that "..Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".



    I use 123 and Excel equally, so I think I know what each provides. What
    feature did the OP mention that 123 has?

    That said, 123's @@("<<"&path&filename&">>"&rangeref) works just fine on
    closed workbooks, and @@("<<?>>"&SomeRangeNameHere) is hugely useful. But
    @COORD and @REFCONVERT aren't that big a deal.

  6. #6
    Andy Wiggins

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality that Lotus
    123 has had for years and years. However, we have to bear in mind that "..
    Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".

    Andy Wiggins FCCA
    Excel, Access and VBA Consultancy

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hello -
    > I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to the
    > existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is useful when
    > dealing with real-world data of variable extent or quality.
    > I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10}) and
    > ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation simplification

    > specifying indirect addresses or address ranges. The second form above

    > be applicable as part of a variable RANGE() function where one point is
    > fixed. If all points are fixed, then there is no point in using an

    > range or address.
    > Note that using sheet cell references allows these formulas to reflect
    > changes in sheet structure (add/remove columns or rows) as long as those
    > references are at the corners of the intended range and are not deleted by
    > these operations.
    > Thanks.
    > ----------------
    > This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
    > suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
    > Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow

    > link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
    > click "I Agree" in the message pane.


  7. #7
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Andy Wiggins" <ng20050514@BygSoftwareREMOVEDOT.com> wrote...
    >I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality
    >that Lotus 123 has had for years and years. However, we have to
    >bear in mind that "..Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".



    I use 123 and Excel equally, so I think I know what each provides. What
    feature did the OP mention that 123 has?

    That said, 123's @@("<<"&path&filename&">>"&rangeref) works just fine on
    closed workbooks, and @@("<<?>>"&SomeRangeNameHere) is hugely useful. But
    @COORD and @REFCONVERT aren't that big a deal.

  8. #8
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or

    How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best

    INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).

    How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

    >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    >range or address.

    And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for

    That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  9. #9
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function


    An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:
    copied down to create a sequential table of offsets or pointers to rows
    containing valid data where $B$7 stores the (data-set dependant) last active
    row number and column $L$* contains the data validity tests. After the last
    valid (TRUE) row is found, the function returns NA!. M2 points to the first
    valid row.

    As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    dynamic indirect range. My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification might
    be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand notation for the
    ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row or column numbers are
    the required values.

    My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:

    > "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    > >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    > >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    > >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or
    > >quality.

    > How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best
    > unclear.
    > INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    > this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).
    > How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?
    > >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    > >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    > >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    > >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    > >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    > >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    > >range or address.

    > And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for
    > That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    > wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  10. #10
    Andy Wiggins

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality that Lotus
    123 has had for years and years. However, we have to bear in mind that "..
    Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".

    Andy Wiggins FCCA
    Excel, Access and VBA Consultancy

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hello -
    > I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to the
    > existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is useful when
    > dealing with real-world data of variable extent or quality.
    > I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10}) and
    > ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation simplification

    > specifying indirect addresses or address ranges. The second form above

    > be applicable as part of a variable RANGE() function where one point is
    > fixed. If all points are fixed, then there is no point in using an

    > range or address.
    > Note that using sheet cell references allows these formulas to reflect
    > changes in sheet structure (add/remove columns or rows) as long as those
    > references are at the corners of the intended range and are not deleted by
    > these operations.
    > Thanks.
    > ----------------
    > This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
    > suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
    > Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow

    > link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
    > click "I Agree" in the message pane.


  11. #11
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    >statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:



    Again, USE OFFSET!


    mistake and demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of how to use
    Excel efficiently.

    >As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    >dynamic indirect range. . . .

    So? In your original proposal you had mooted the following.

    >>I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >>and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to

    This had nothing whatsoever to do with your proposed RANGE function. I was
    just pointing out that your proposed ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) is unnecessary since
    it's already provided by CELL("Address",$A$10) or CELL("Address",A10). Just
    see what you get from


    Now, as for the underlying reasons this (mercifully) won't happen, curly
    braces are already part of the syntax, used to delimit array constants.
    While operator, or in this case delimiter, overloading isn't completely out
    of the question, Microsoft is very unlikely to complicate Excel's formula
    syntax to that degree. Restricting this just to ADDRESS would require that
    ADDRESS be parsed specially, apart from other functions. That's almost
    certainly not going to happen.

    > . . . My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    >for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification
    >might be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand
    >notation for the ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row
    >or column numbers are the required values.

    RANGE is unnecessary because INDIRECT(ADDRESS(.)) is always a mistake. The
    OFFSET function already exists to provide the functionality you claim to
    seek. It's obvious you're unfamiliar with it. Your time would be better
    spent learning how to use it than on pipe dreams for redundant, unnecessary
    new functionality that wouldn't be likely to make it into Excel for a
    decade. (Yes, a decade - it took Microsoft almost 10 years from when then
    Borland introduced colored worksheet tabs in Quattro Pro to make them a
    feature in Excel 2002. What you're asking for is a heck of a lot harder to

    >My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    >functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    And a further tribute that there are already functions in Excel that make
    certain complex formula constructs unnecessary, such as

    That said, some proposals are fine. Others deserve to be shot down in

  12. #12
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    Thanks Harlan

    I have been assuming that the OFFSET() function returned a value instead
    of a potential range reference and I quite glossed over the height and width
    parameters. I assume from your comments that the INDIRECT([constructed
    string]) method is rather inefficient for the purpose intended. I thought so
    too. For my application, the only change required of your formula is to add
    each previous value (M2 + MATCH(...)) to obtain a vector table referenced to
    the head to the head of the column. Hopefully this exchange has enlightened
    others to this application possibility.


  13. #13
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Andy Wiggins" <ng20050514@BygSoftwareREMOVEDOT.com> wrote...
    >I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality
    >that Lotus 123 has had for years and years. However, we have to
    >bear in mind that "..Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".



    I use 123 and Excel equally, so I think I know what each provides. What
    feature did the OP mention that 123 has?

    That said, 123's @@("<<"&path&filename&">>"&rangeref) works just fine on
    closed workbooks, and @@("<<?>>"&SomeRangeNameHere) is hugely useful. But
    @COORD and @REFCONVERT aren't that big a deal.

  14. #14
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or

    How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best

    INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).

    How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

    >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    >range or address.

    And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for

    That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  15. #15
    Mike Barlow


    Hello -

    I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to the
    existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is useful when
    dealing with real-world data of variable extent or quality.

    I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10}) and
    ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation simplification when
    specifying indirect addresses or address ranges. The second form above would
    be applicable as part of a variable RANGE() function where one point is
    fixed. If all points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    range or address.

    Note that using sheet cell references allows these formulas to reflect
    changes in sheet structure (add/remove columns or rows) as long as those
    references are at the corners of the intended range and are not deleted by
    these operations.


    This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
    suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
    Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
    link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
    click "I Agree" in the message pane.


  16. #16
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function


    An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:
    copied down to create a sequential table of offsets or pointers to rows
    containing valid data where $B$7 stores the (data-set dependant) last active
    row number and column $L$* contains the data validity tests. After the last
    valid (TRUE) row is found, the function returns NA!. M2 points to the first
    valid row.

    As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    dynamic indirect range. My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification might
    be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand notation for the
    ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row or column numbers are
    the required values.

    My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:

    > "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    > >I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to
    > >the existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > >CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is
    > >useful when dealing with real-world data of variable extent or
    > >quality.

    > How INDIRECT has anything to do with variable data quality is at best
    > unclear.
    > INDIRECT(ADDRESS(u,v)&ADDRESS(x,y)) is always a mistake. There's a way to do
    > this using OFFSET($A$1,u-1,v-1,x-u+1,y-v+1).
    > How many wheels must Microsoft reinvent?
    > >I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    > >and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > >ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation
    > >simplification when specifying indirect addresses or address
    > >ranges. The second form above would be applicable as part of a
    > >variable RANGE() function where one point is fixed. If all
    > >points are fixed, then there is no point in using an indirect
    > >range or address.

    > And once you learn OFFSET you'll find there's never a need for
    > That said, CELL("Address",$A$10) returns the string "$A$10". Again, how many
    > wheels must Microsoft reinvent?

  17. #17
    Andy Wiggins

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) functions

    I expect Excel might, one day, catch up with this functionality that Lotus
    123 has had for years and years. However, we have to bear in mind that "..
    Excel is not a Lotus 123 clone ..".

    Andy Wiggins FCCA
    Excel, Access and VBA Consultancy

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hello -
    > I propose that a RANGE() function be added that is equivalent to the
    > existing ADDRESS() function or a shorthand equivalent to
    > CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(),":",ADDRESS()). Indirect addressing is useful when
    > dealing with real-world data of variable extent or quality.
    > I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10}) and
    > ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to
    > ADDRESS(ROW($A$10),COLUMN($A$10)) for additional notation simplification

    > specifying indirect addresses or address ranges. The second form above

    > be applicable as part of a variable RANGE() function where one point is
    > fixed. If all points are fixed, then there is no point in using an

    > range or address.
    > Note that using sheet cell references allows these formulas to reflect
    > changes in sheet structure (add/remove columns or rows) as long as those
    > references are at the corners of the intended range and are not deleted by
    > these operations.
    > Thanks.
    > ----------------
    > This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
    > suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
    > Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow

    > link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
    > click "I Agree" in the message pane.


  18. #18
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    "Mike Barlow" <MikeBarlow@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
    >An indirect range could be used inside a MATCH() statement and any other
    >statement that might use a variable range specification. As an example:



    Again, USE OFFSET!


    mistake and demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of how to use
    Excel efficiently.

    >As far as I can tell, the CELL() function cannot be used to create a
    >dynamic indirect range. . . .

    So? In your original proposal you had mooted the following.

    >>I further propose that a notation such as ADDRESS({$A$10},{$A$10})
    >>and ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) be allowed as equivalent to

    This had nothing whatsoever to do with your proposed RANGE function. I was
    just pointing out that your proposed ADDRESS({{$A$10}}) is unnecessary since
    it's already provided by CELL("Address",$A$10) or CELL("Address",A10). Just
    see what you get from


    Now, as for the underlying reasons this (mercifully) won't happen, curly
    braces are already part of the syntax, used to delimit array constants.
    While operator, or in this case delimiter, overloading isn't completely out
    of the question, Microsoft is very unlikely to complicate Excel's formula
    syntax to that degree. Restricting this just to ADDRESS would require that
    ADDRESS be parsed specially, apart from other functions. That's almost
    certainly not going to happen.

    > . . . My first proposal is to provide a RANGE() function
    >for applications where a variable, data-dependent range specification
    >might be required and my second proposal was to allow a shorthand
    >notation for the ROW() and COLUMN() functions in situations where row
    >or column numbers are the required values.

    RANGE is unnecessary because INDIRECT(ADDRESS(.)) is always a mistake. The
    OFFSET function already exists to provide the functionality you claim to
    seek. It's obvious you're unfamiliar with it. Your time would be better
    spent learning how to use it than on pipe dreams for redundant, unnecessary
    new functionality that wouldn't be likely to make it into Excel for a
    decade. (Yes, a decade - it took Microsoft almost 10 years from when then
    Borland introduced colored worksheet tabs in Quattro Pro to make them a
    feature in Excel 2002. What you're asking for is a heck of a lot harder to

    >My proposal is just that. It is a tribute to EXCEL that such complex
    >functions can be created with the program as it is now.

    And a further tribute that there are already functions in Excel that make
    certain complex formula constructs unnecessary, such as

    That said, some proposals are fine. Others deserve to be shot down in

  19. #19
    Mike Barlow

    Re: Allow EXCEL INDIRECT(ADDRESS()) and INDIRECT(RANGE()) function

    Thanks Harlan

    I have been assuming that the OFFSET() function returned a value instead
    of a potential range reference and I quite glossed over the height and width
    parameters. I assume from your comments that the INDIRECT([constructed
    string]) method is rather inefficient for the purpose intended. I thought so
    too. For my application, the only change required of your formula is to add
    each previous value (M2 + MATCH(...)) to obtain a vector table referenced to
    the head to the head of the column. Hopefully this exchange has enlightened
    others to this application possibility.


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