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calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

  1. #1
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.

    MS Excel MVP

    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  2. #2

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Actually, I've thought about the June 5 2079 row limitation many times but I
    personally have never had to come up a formula that projects that far into
    the future so I never bothered looking into a fix.

    Maybe in one of the future versions of Excel MS will increase the number of
    rows and solve that limitation for us!



    <Robert_Steel@nospam.com> wrote in message
    > Biff
    > I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    > formulas.
    > However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    > when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    > (the date value of the last row)
    > A small fix you could employ
    > SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(A1-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&B1-A1)),2)={1,2}))
    > or in your final formula
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(N3-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&O3-N3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.
    > This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years
    > apart.
    > hope it's of interest
    > RES

  3. #3

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback.


    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:9A257400-F866-4EA4-92B3-3413071D7DE4@microsoft.com...
    > Brilliant!
    > I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    > formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    > the column when entering data.
    > Thanks for your help.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> Let's see if we understand you.....
    >> Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for
    >> the
    >> days of the week.
    >> >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    >> So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and
    >> Fridays
    >> between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    >> Is that what you want?
    >> Try this.....
    >> Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this
    >> formua:
    >> =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    >> > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried
    >> > to
    >> > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days
    >> > of
    >> > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    >> > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    >> > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the
    >> > week
    >> > and
    >> > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of
    >> > days
    >> > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    >> >
    >> > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    >> >
    >> > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    >> >
    >> > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    >> > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher
    >> > Excel
    >> > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    >> > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into
    >> > the
    >> > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one
    >> > can
    >> > put in a single cell.
    >> >
    >> > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    >> >
    >> > THX.
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > "Biff" wrote:
    >> >
    >> >> Hi!
    >> >>
    >> >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> >>
    >> >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> >>
    >> >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> >>
    >> >> Start date in A1
    >> >> End date in B1
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> >>
    >> >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> >>
    >> >> Biff
    >> >>
    >> >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> >> wrote
    >> >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date
    >> >> >and
    >> >> >the
    >> >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> >> > need
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > separate column:
    >> >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end
    >> >> > date.
    >> >> > On
    >> >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> >> > three)
    >> >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to
    >> >> > put
    >> >> > in
    >> >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> >> > column
    >> >> > has
    >> >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> >> > A knotty problem?
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>


  4. #4
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    the column when entering data.

    Thanks for your help.

    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > Let's see if we understand you.....
    > Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    > days of the week.
    > >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    > So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    > between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    > Is that what you want?
    > Try this.....
    > Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > > and
    > > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > >
    > > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > >
    > > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > >
    > > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > > put in a single cell.
    > >
    > > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > >
    > > THX.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Biff" wrote:
    > >
    > >> Hi!
    > >>
    > >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > >>
    > >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > >>
    > >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > >>
    > >> Start date in A1
    > >> End date in B1
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > >>
    > >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > >>
    > >> Biff
    > >>
    > >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > >> wrote
    > >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >> >the
    > >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    > >> > need
    > >> > a
    > >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > >> > separate column:
    > >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    > >> > On
    > >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > >> > three)
    > >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    > >> > in
    > >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    > >> > column
    > >> > has
    > >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > >> > A knotty problem?
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


  5. #5

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    (the date value of the last row)

    A small fix you could employ
    or in your final formula


    just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.

    This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years

    hope it's of interest

  6. #6

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Let's see if we understand you.....

    Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    days of the week.

    >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.

    Is that what you want?

    Try this.....

    Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > and
    > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > put in a single cell.
    > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > THX.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> Start date in A1
    >> End date in B1
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    >> >the
    >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> > need
    >> > a
    >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> > separate column:
    >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    >> > On
    >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> > three)
    >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    >> > in
    >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> > column
    >> > has
    >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> > A knotty problem?


  7. #7
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    This is great, but it doesn’t factor the variability of the days tried to
    explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week and
    the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.

    Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:

    G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    I tried Bernie’s formula but that didn’t work. I had to change cell
    references, and I don’t understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    Help’s explanation) so that might be why.
    I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    put in a single cell.

    If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!


    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > Start date in A1
    > End date in B1
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >the
    > > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > > a
    > > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > > separate column:
    > > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > > three)
    > > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > > has
    > > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > > A knotty problem?


  8. #8

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

    To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):

    Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7

    Start date in A1
    End date in B1


    To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  9. #9
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    That one only worked if all three days were needed. Try this version instead:


    MS Excel MVP

    "Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org> wrote in message
    > =IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(G1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(H1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(I1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)
    > All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    > Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    > shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >>I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    >> questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    >> universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> separate column:
    >> G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    >> top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    >> within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    >> separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    >> a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> A knotty problem?


  10. #10
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Neat formula! - converting the dates to row numbers was very insightful.


    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

  11. #11

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Actually, I've thought about the June 5 2079 row limitation many times but I
    personally have never had to come up a formula that projects that far into
    the future so I never bothered looking into a fix.

    Maybe in one of the future versions of Excel MS will increase the number of
    rows and solve that limitation for us!



    <Robert_Steel@nospam.com> wrote in message
    > Biff
    > I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    > formulas.
    > However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    > when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    > (the date value of the last row)
    > A small fix you could employ
    > SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(A1-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&B1-A1)),2)={1,2}))
    > or in your final formula
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(N3-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&O3-N3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.
    > This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years
    > apart.
    > hope it's of interest
    > RES

  12. #12

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback.


    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:9A257400-F866-4EA4-92B3-3413071D7DE4@microsoft.com...
    > Brilliant!
    > I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    > formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    > the column when entering data.
    > Thanks for your help.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> Let's see if we understand you.....
    >> Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for
    >> the
    >> days of the week.
    >> >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    >> So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and
    >> Fridays
    >> between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    >> Is that what you want?
    >> Try this.....
    >> Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this
    >> formua:
    >> =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    >> > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried
    >> > to
    >> > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days
    >> > of
    >> > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    >> > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    >> > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the
    >> > week
    >> > and
    >> > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of
    >> > days
    >> > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    >> >
    >> > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    >> >
    >> > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    >> >
    >> > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    >> > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher
    >> > Excel
    >> > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    >> > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into
    >> > the
    >> > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one
    >> > can
    >> > put in a single cell.
    >> >
    >> > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    >> >
    >> > THX.
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > "Biff" wrote:
    >> >
    >> >> Hi!
    >> >>
    >> >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> >>
    >> >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> >>
    >> >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> >>
    >> >> Start date in A1
    >> >> End date in B1
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> >>
    >> >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> >>
    >> >> Biff
    >> >>
    >> >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> >> wrote
    >> >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date
    >> >> >and
    >> >> >the
    >> >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> >> > need
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > separate column:
    >> >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end
    >> >> > date.
    >> >> > On
    >> >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> >> > three)
    >> >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to
    >> >> > put
    >> >> > in
    >> >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> >> > column
    >> >> > has
    >> >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> >> > A knotty problem?
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>


  13. #13
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    the column when entering data.

    Thanks for your help.

    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > Let's see if we understand you.....
    > Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    > days of the week.
    > >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    > So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    > between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    > Is that what you want?
    > Try this.....
    > Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > > and
    > > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > >
    > > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > >
    > > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > >
    > > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > > put in a single cell.
    > >
    > > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > >
    > > THX.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Biff" wrote:
    > >
    > >> Hi!
    > >>
    > >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > >>
    > >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > >>
    > >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > >>
    > >> Start date in A1
    > >> End date in B1
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > >>
    > >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > >>
    > >> Biff
    > >>
    > >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > >> wrote
    > >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >> >the
    > >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    > >> > need
    > >> > a
    > >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > >> > separate column:
    > >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    > >> > On
    > >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > >> > three)
    > >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    > >> > in
    > >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    > >> > column
    > >> > has
    > >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > >> > A knotty problem?
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


  14. #14

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    (the date value of the last row)

    A small fix you could employ
    or in your final formula


    just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.

    This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years

    hope it's of interest

  15. #15

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Let's see if we understand you.....

    Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    days of the week.

    >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.

    Is that what you want?

    Try this.....

    Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > and
    > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > put in a single cell.
    > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > THX.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> Start date in A1
    >> End date in B1
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    >> >the
    >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> > need
    >> > a
    >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> > separate column:
    >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    >> > On
    >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> > three)
    >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    >> > in
    >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> > column
    >> > has
    >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> > A knotty problem?


  16. #16
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    This is great, but it doesn’t factor the variability of the days tried to
    explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week and
    the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.

    Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:

    G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    I tried Bernie’s formula but that didn’t work. I had to change cell
    references, and I don’t understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    Help’s explanation) so that might be why.
    I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    put in a single cell.

    If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!


    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > Start date in A1
    > End date in B1
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >the
    > > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > > a
    > > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > > separate column:
    > > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > > three)
    > > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > > has
    > > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > > A knotty problem?


  17. #17
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Neat formula! - converting the dates to row numbers was very insightful.


    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

  18. #18

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

    To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):

    Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7

    Start date in A1
    End date in B1


    To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  19. #19
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    That one only worked if all three days were needed. Try this version instead:


    MS Excel MVP

    "Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org> wrote in message
    > =IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(G1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(H1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(I1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)
    > All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    > Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    > shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >>I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    >> questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    >> universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> separate column:
    >> G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    >> top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    >> within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    >> separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    >> a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> A knotty problem?


  20. #20
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.

    MS Excel MVP

    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  21. #21
    girlfriend in school

    calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    separate column:
    G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    A knotty problem?

  22. #22

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Actually, I've thought about the June 5 2079 row limitation many times but I
    personally have never had to come up a formula that projects that far into
    the future so I never bothered looking into a fix.

    Maybe in one of the future versions of Excel MS will increase the number of
    rows and solve that limitation for us!



    <Robert_Steel@nospam.com> wrote in message
    > Biff
    > I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    > formulas.
    > However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    > when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    > (the date value of the last row)
    > A small fix you could employ
    > SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(A1-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&B1-A1)),2)={1,2}))
    > or in your final formula
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(N3-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&O3-N3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.
    > This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years
    > apart.
    > hope it's of interest
    > RES

  23. #23
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.

    MS Excel MVP

    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  24. #24

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback.


    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:9A257400-F866-4EA4-92B3-3413071D7DE4@microsoft.com...
    > Brilliant!
    > I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    > formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    > the column when entering data.
    > Thanks for your help.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> Let's see if we understand you.....
    >> Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for
    >> the
    >> days of the week.
    >> >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    >> So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and
    >> Fridays
    >> between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    >> Is that what you want?
    >> Try this.....
    >> Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this
    >> formua:
    >> =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    >> > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried
    >> > to
    >> > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days
    >> > of
    >> > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    >> > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    >> > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the
    >> > week
    >> > and
    >> > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of
    >> > days
    >> > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    >> >
    >> > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    >> >
    >> > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >> > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    >> >
    >> > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    >> > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher
    >> > Excel
    >> > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    >> > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into
    >> > the
    >> > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one
    >> > can
    >> > put in a single cell.
    >> >
    >> > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    >> >
    >> > THX.
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > "Biff" wrote:
    >> >
    >> >> Hi!
    >> >>
    >> >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> >>
    >> >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> >>
    >> >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> >>
    >> >> Start date in A1
    >> >> End date in B1
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> >>
    >> >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> >>
    >> >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> >>
    >> >> Biff
    >> >>
    >> >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> >> wrote
    >> >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date
    >> >> >and
    >> >> >the
    >> >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> >> > need
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in
    >> >> > a
    >> >> > separate column:
    >> >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end
    >> >> > date.
    >> >> > On
    >> >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> >> > three)
    >> >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to
    >> >> > put
    >> >> > in
    >> >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> >> > column
    >> >> > has
    >> >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> >> > A knotty problem?
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>


  25. #25
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    I don't understand it, but it works! It looks like you maxed out the
    formulae for a cell so I will simply have to teach a clerk to fill down on
    the column when entering data.

    Thanks for your help.

    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > Let's see if we understand you.....
    > Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    > days of the week.
    > >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    > So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    > between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.
    > Is that what you want?
    > Try this.....
    > Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:
    > =IF(COUNT(N3:O3)<>2,"",SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(N3&":"&O3)),2)=MATCH(G3:I3,{"M","T","W","TH","F","SA","SU",0},0))))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > > and
    > > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > >
    > > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > >
    > > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > >
    > > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > > put in a single cell.
    > >
    > > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > >
    > > THX.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Biff" wrote:
    > >
    > >> Hi!
    > >>
    > >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > >>
    > >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > >>
    > >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > >>
    > >> Start date in A1
    > >> End date in B1
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > >>
    > >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > >>
    > >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > >>
    > >> Biff
    > >>
    > >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > >> wrote
    > >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >> >the
    > >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    > >> > need
    > >> > a
    > >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > >> > separate column:
    > >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    > >> > On
    > >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > >> > three)
    > >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    > >> > in
    > >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    > >> > column
    > >> > has
    > >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > >> > A knotty problem?
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


  26. #26
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    That one only worked if all three days were needed. Try this version instead:


    MS Excel MVP

    "Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org> wrote in message
    > =IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(G1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(H1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)+IF(MOD(TRUNC(K1-J1)+1,7)>MOD(MATCH(I1,{"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"},FALSE)-1-INT(MOD(J1,7))+7,7),1,0)+INT((INT(K1-J1)+1)/7)
    > All in one cell - watch the line breaks. Written for row 1, but can be copied down. I'm sure
    > Harlan will come up with a much shorter formula - the array formula that I had that was one third
    > shorter didn't work with blanks, so I gave up on that approach.
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >>I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and the
    >> questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need a
    >> universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> separate column:
    >> G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    >> top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to three)
    >> within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    >> separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column has
    >> a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> A knotty problem?


  27. #27

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    I like the use of the Row() function as you have used it in array
    However, and risking looking a bit picky...<g>
    when used in dates we have an iminent Y2K situation on the 5 June 2079.
    (the date value of the last row)

    A small fix you could employ
    or in your final formula


    just using the Row() to increment the date not be the date.

    This is still not perfect as you can only have dates approx 179 years

    hope it's of interest

  28. #28

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Let's see if we understand you.....

    Columns G, H and I, may or may not contain the letter abbreviations for the
    days of the week.

    >G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    >M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    So, based on your example above, you want to count the Mondays and Fridays
    between 10/9/2005 and 15/15/2005.

    Is that what you want?

    Try this.....

    Just make sure that the abbreviations you use match what are in this formua:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:226F2179-C5DF-4133-B379-DE3653DF6D74@microsoft.com...
    > This is great, but it doesn't factor the variability of the days tried to
    > explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    > week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    > columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    > hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week
    > and
    > the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    > will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.
    > Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:
    > G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    > M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)
    > I tried Bernie's formula but that didn't work. I had to change cell
    > references, and I don't understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    > Help's explanation) so that might be why.
    > I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    > weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    > put in a single cell.
    > If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!
    > THX.
    > "Biff" wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    >> To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    >> Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    >> Start date in A1
    >> End date in B1
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    >> To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    >> =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    >> Biff
    >> "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >> >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    >> >the
    >> > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I
    >> > need
    >> > a
    >> > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    >> > separate column:
    >> > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date.
    >> > On
    >> > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    >> > three)
    >> > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put
    >> > in
    >> > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one
    >> > column
    >> > has
    >> > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    >> > A knotty problem?


  29. #29
    girlfriend in school

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates

    This is great, but it doesn’t factor the variability of the days tried to
    explain in my initial query. Data in columns G, H, and I will be days of
    week, but will change from row to row (as will the respective dates in
    columns N and O). Sometimes there will be no data in H and/or I. I am
    hoping to create something where a clerk can put in the days of the week and
    the spreadsheet formula will count up the days. Note: the number of days
    will then be used in another formula to calculated $$.

    Perhaps if I show you what I have so far will help:

    G3 H3 I3 N3 O3 Q3
    M F (blank) 10/9/05 12/15/05 (answer)

    I tried Bernie’s formula but that didn’t work. I had to change cell
    references, and I don’t understand the formula (and cannot decipher Excel
    Help’s explanation) so that might be why.
    I am currently using IF formulae to reference columns G, H and I into the
    weekday_number, but think I have exceeded the quantity of formulae one can
    put in a single cell.

    If you have an answer, WHAT A RELIEF!!!


    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!
    > To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):
    > Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7
    > Start date in A1
    > End date in B1
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)=weekday_number))
    > To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A1&":"&B1)),2)={1,2}))
    > Biff
    > "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    > in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    > >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > >the
    > > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > > a
    > > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > > separate column:
    > > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > > three)
    > > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > > has
    > > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > > A knotty problem?


  30. #30

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

    To count specific weekdays between 2 dates (inclusive):

    Where Monday = weekday 1 and Sunday = weekday 7

    Start date in A1
    End date in B1


    To count more than 1 weekday like Mondays and Tuesdays:



    "girlfriend in school" <girlfriendinschool@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote
    in message news:C5271A39-23D4-46D5-B3B4-72BD40B4F9E2@microsoft.com...
    >I need to count the number of days between a start date and end date and
    > questions about this I found here don't seem to help (boggle me!) I need
    > a
    > universal formula that will cover variable days which are listed in a
    > separate column:
    > G (rows) = names of days; J (rows) = start date; K (rows) = end date. On
    > top of this, I am sometimes having to count more than one day (up to
    > three)
    > within a week (e.g., Mondays AND Fridays) which I'd be willing to put in
    > separate columns (i.e., columns G,H,I) if needed, but if only one column
    > has
    > a day listed, the formula needs to ignore the empty columns.
    > A knotty problem?

  31. #31
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: calculating number of days (e.g., Mondays) between two dates


    Neat formula! - converting the dates to row numbers was very insightful.


    > After seeing Bernie's post I'm wondering if I understand the question!

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