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how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheets.Add in a vba macro in excel?

  1. #1

    RE: how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheet


    This is one way, but maybe not wholly satisfactory...this is a starting
    point (maybe) and you can tweak it...

    Sub getShtName()
    Dim shtCount As Integer
    Dim newSht As String
    shtCount = Worksheets.Count
    Sheets.Add.Move After:=Sheets(shtCount)
    newSht = Worksheets(shtCount + 1).Name
    End Sub

    This places a new sheet at the end and then gets the name of it.

    "Daniel" wrote:

    > how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheets.Add in a
    > vba macro in excel?

  2. #2

    how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheets.Add in a vba macro in excel?

    how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheets.Add in a
    vba macro in excel?

  3. #3

    RE: how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheet


    This is one way, but maybe not wholly satisfactory...this is a starting
    point (maybe) and you can tweak it...

    Sub getShtName()
    Dim shtCount As Integer
    Dim newSht As String
    shtCount = Worksheets.Count
    Sheets.Add.Move After:=Sheets(shtCount)
    newSht = Worksheets(shtCount + 1).Name
    End Sub

    This places a new sheet at the end and then gets the name of it.

    "Daniel" wrote:

    > how do i get the name of a newly added sheet that i add with Sheets.Add in a
    > vba macro in excel?

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