xisque wrote...
>Thanks, that was the answer. Do you know if there is a dictionary to
>translate excel functions to my language ?


There may be such a dictionary, but you could do this with VBA. If you
name an unlocked cell XYZ, you could use a macro like

Sub x()
Dim f0 As String, f1 As String

f1 = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter formula", Title:="Formula Translation")

If f1 <> "FALSE" Then
f0 = Names("XYZ").RefersToRange.Formula
Names("XYZ").RefersToRange.Formula = f1
MsgBox Prompt:=Names("XYZ").RefersToRange.FormulaLocal, _
Title:="Formula Translation"
Names("XYZ").RefersToRange.Formula = f0
End If

End Sub