The sheet is named log, and yes it is. I ended up posting this message twice,
and received another reply from Dave Peterson. He directed me to this site
which basically answered the question:
Debra Dalgleish has some more tips like this at:

For some reason, my table was considering the numbers as text, and I'm still
not sure why. I formated the cells as a number, but that didn't seem to help.
If I converted my number into a text format as Debra suggests in her article
it works.

Thanks for your help!

Jesse Geis
"Alan Beban" wrote:

> Is the number that you enter in Cell H7 of the sheet named "LOG"
> included in the first column of the range A2:B83 of the sheet named WONUMS?
> Alan Beban
> cutthroatjess wrote:
> > So I think I understand the vlookup function, however, there is an error.
> > Can I set a constant to be my lookup value? If so, how would I set that up?
> >
> > Here's my vlookup statement:
> >
> > So it evaluates the value in H7 in the current sheet log, then compares it
> > to a table in the second sheet wonums. However, when I just type in a number
> > in H7 it returns #n/a.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Jesse
