This is an array formula. Instead of just typing in the formula and then
hitting the ENTER key you must use the key combination of CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER.
Try this:
Select the cell this formula is in.
Now, goto the formula bar and place the cursor at the end of the formula.
Hold down the CTRL and SHIFT keys then hit ENTER.
When done properly Excel will place squiggly braces { } around the formula.
You must use the key combo to do this. You cannot just type the braces in
"Space Elf" <Space Elf@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Sometimes when I build a nested formula, the results don't show in the
> cell. The only thing that shows is representative how the cell is
> formated,
> ie: number format with 2 decimal points displays "0.00"
> When I click on the cell with the formula, it appears in the input box.
> If
> I click the equal sign, the drop-down menu shows the correct results, even
> if
> I change the data it uses to determine the answer.
> =AVERAGE(IF(A1:A12="Hours",C1:C12))
> This is the formula. I intend to extend the range from 12 to about 90
> when
> it works.
> Basically, what I want is to check for the word "Hours" from column A and
> if it finds it, average the data from the corresponcing column C.
> Since "Hours" is every 4th line, I was looking for a "step" function
> simular to the one used in BASIC.
> Any ideas?