The hyperlink will mean you can click that cell and go to that worksheet.

It might be a nice feature of your table.

confusedexceler wrote:
> I am not too sure what a hyperlink is but I just wanted to make a list of all
> the worksheet names. This in in order to make a matrix with names of
> different products in top row, and then the value assigned to each product in
> each worksheet. Does that make any sense?
> Thanks.
> "Dave Peterson" wrote:
> > You want a worksheet that uses hyperlinks that point at those other sheets?
> >
> > David McRitchie has a macro that will build that table of contents worksheet:
> >
> >
> > confusedexceler wrote:
> > >
> > > I am trying to create a function that will list all of my worksheet names,
> > > one per row, on a summary page. I cannot seem to be able to link the title of
> > > the worksheets to anything? Please help. If this requires some sort of macro,
> > > please be very precise since i have no clue how to use VB. Thanks

> >
> > --
> >
> > Dave Peterson
> >


Dave Peterson