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INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

  1. #1

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I am trying to do into a new
    > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > function in the original worksheet.
    > Thanks, BG

  2. #2

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.

    Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into cell
    A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to Sheet1
    and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on Sheet1
    tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the '(new
    book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.

    In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    of Sheet1. This is my problem.

    Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.

    In advance, thank you for your help!


    "Max" wrote:

    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    > a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    > ...
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:7EF159E0-105A-45B8-A8BA-2B2CEDC84B5D@microsoft.com...
    > > I am trying to do into a new
    > > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > >
    > > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > > function in the original worksheet.
    > >
    > > Thanks, BG


  3. #3

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    formulas which is why you're facing all those errors

    To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,

    Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    Right-click > Copy

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > BG

  4. #4

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    when I

    "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"

    I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values, etc.

    I see a Paste Special window with:

    Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with

    Microsoft Excel Worksheet object

    I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3

    Again, thank you.


    "Max" wrote:

    > The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    > The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    > formulas which is why you're facing all those errors
    > To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,
    > Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    > Right-click > Copy
    > In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK
    > If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:4DF0759B-2DF8-43B7-8BD5-B9DC8AAF5A21@microsoft.com...
    > > Hi Max,
    > >
    > > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > >
    > > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > cell
    > > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > Sheet1
    > > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > Sheet1
    > > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > '(new
    > > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > >
    > > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > >
    > > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > >
    > > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > >
    > > BG


  5. #5

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Really don't know what's happening over there <g>, but as a last attempt,
    try the alternative to right-clicking on A1 in the new sheet as per below
    (my ver is Excel 97)

    (Do hang around awhile here for better insights from others ..)

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,

    Instead of
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:

    Instead of
    > > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Formats" > OK

    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    > when I
    > "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"
    > I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values,

    > I see a Paste Special window with:
    > Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    > and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with
    > Microsoft Excel Worksheet object
    > Picture
    > Bitmap
    > etc.
    > I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3
    > Again, thank you.
    > BG

  6. #6

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I am trying to do into a new
    > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > function in the original worksheet.
    > Thanks, BG

  7. #7

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.

    Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into cell
    A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to Sheet1
    and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on Sheet1
    tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the '(new
    book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.

    In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    of Sheet1. This is my problem.

    Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.

    In advance, thank you for your help!


    "Max" wrote:

    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    > a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    > ...
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:7EF159E0-105A-45B8-A8BA-2B2CEDC84B5D@microsoft.com...
    > > I am trying to do into a new
    > > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > >
    > > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > > function in the original worksheet.
    > >
    > > Thanks, BG


  8. #8

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    formulas which is why you're facing all those errors

    To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,

    Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    Right-click > Copy

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > BG

  9. #9

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    when I

    "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"

    I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values, etc.

    I see a Paste Special window with:

    Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with

    Microsoft Excel Worksheet object

    I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3

    Again, thank you.


    "Max" wrote:

    > The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    > The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    > formulas which is why you're facing all those errors
    > To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,
    > Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    > Right-click > Copy
    > In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK
    > If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:4DF0759B-2DF8-43B7-8BD5-B9DC8AAF5A21@microsoft.com...
    > > Hi Max,
    > >
    > > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > >
    > > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > cell
    > > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > Sheet1
    > > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > Sheet1
    > > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > '(new
    > > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > >
    > > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > >
    > > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > >
    > > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > >
    > > BG


  10. #10

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Really don't know what's happening over there <g>, but as a last attempt,
    try the alternative to right-clicking on A1 in the new sheet as per below
    (my ver is Excel 97)

    (Do hang around awhile here for better insights from others ..)

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,

    Instead of
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:

    Instead of
    > > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Formats" > OK

    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    > when I
    > "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"
    > I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values,

    > I see a Paste Special window with:
    > Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    > and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with
    > Microsoft Excel Worksheet object
    > Picture
    > Bitmap
    > etc.
    > I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3
    > Again, thank you.
    > BG

  11. #11

    INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    I am trying to do a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet into a new
    workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?

    Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    function in the original worksheet.

    Thanks, BG

  12. #12

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I am trying to do into a new
    > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > function in the original worksheet.
    > Thanks, BG

  13. #13

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.

    Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into cell
    A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to Sheet1
    and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on Sheet1
    tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the '(new
    book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.

    In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    of Sheet1. This is my problem.

    Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.

    In advance, thank you for your help!


    "Max" wrote:

    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > If you do an entire source sheet copy > paste special > values > ok over to
    > a new sheet in a new book, think you shouldn't be getting any error values
    > ...
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:7EF159E0-105A-45B8-A8BA-2B2CEDC84B5D@microsoft.com...
    > > I am trying to do into a new
    > > workbook. However, the new copy has #REF in each cell where the original
    > > workbook referenced the INDIRECT function. Is there any way around this?
    > >
    > > Also, I get a #NAME in the new copy for each cell that had a used defined
    > > function in the original worksheet.
    > >
    > > Thanks, BG


  14. #14

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    formulas which is why you're facing all those errors

    To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,

    Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    Right-click > Copy

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > BG

  15. #15

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Hi Max,

    Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    when I

    "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"

    I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values, etc.

    I see a Paste Special window with:

    Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with

    Microsoft Excel Worksheet object

    I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3

    Again, thank you.


    "Max" wrote:

    > The thoughts given earlier were specific to your orig. post's line:
    > > ... a copy "values only" of a complete worksheet

    > Are you still wanting to copy "values only" ?
    > The copy method which you describe below copies everything, including
    > formulas which is why you're facing all those errors
    > To copy "values only" of a complete worksheet,
    > Select the entire sheet (press CTRL +A)
    > Right-click > Copy
    > In a new Sheet1 in a new book,
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK
    > If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    > xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    > ----
    > "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:4DF0759B-2DF8-43B7-8BD5-B9DC8AAF5A21@microsoft.com...
    > > Hi Max,
    > >
    > > Thank you for your reply. Please try the following.
    > >
    > > Open a new workbook and enter ="This is a "&INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1") into

    > cell
    > > A1 of Sheet1. Enter ="TEST!" into cell A1 of Sheet2. Then go back to

    > Sheet1
    > > and note the words 'This is a TEST!' in cell A1. Then right-click on

    > Sheet1
    > > tab and click on the "Move of Copy..." option. Set "To book:" to the

    > '(new
    > > book)' selection, check the "Create a copy" box and click OK.
    > >
    > > In the new workbook created after the OK, you should see a #REF in cell A1
    > > of Sheet1. This is my problem.
    > >
    > > Also, if you replace the INDIRECT with the name of a USER defined VBA
    > > function, you will see #NAME rather than #REF. This is my other problem.
    > >
    > > In advance, thank you for your help!
    > >
    > > BG


  16. #16

    Re: INDIRECT Function impact on Copy Worksheet

    Really don't know what's happening over there <g>, but as a last attempt,
    try the alternative to right-clicking on A1 in the new sheet as per below
    (my ver is Excel 97)

    (Do hang around awhile here for better insights from others ..)

    In a new Sheet1 in a new book,

    Instead of
    > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Values" > OK

    If you need to copy over the formats as well, then just do one more:

    Instead of
    > > Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Formats" > OK

    With A1 selected,
    click Edit > Paste special > check "Formats" > OK

    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "BG" <BG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Max,
    > Again, thank you for your help and I understand your comments. However,
    > when I
    > "Right-click on A1 > Paste special > Check "Values" > OK"
    > I do not see the "normal" Paste Special options of All, Formulas, Values,

    > I see a Paste Special window with:
    > Source: C:\Documents and Settin...\Test.xls Sheet1:R1:R65536 with "Paste"
    > and "Paste link:" radio buttons and a "As:" window with
    > Microsoft Excel Worksheet object
    > Picture
    > Bitmap
    > etc.
    > I am running Excel 2002 (10.6501.6735) SP3
    > Again, thank you.
    > BG

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