My setup is this:
4 columns, with "yes" or "no" in each column, describing a set of objects. I have a logic tree that my boss gave me, with 15 possible integer outputs, corresponding to the yes/no paths each object might take. (For example, a yes-> yes->no-> no path might give the number 10)
He wants me to automate the logic tree traversal, so if one of the yes/no values is changed, the output value changes automatically, w/o having to look up the logic tree... is there any way i can program in the 15 different conditions (ie if A2=yes, and A3=yes, and A4 = no, and A5= yes, output the number 3)? I tried using the IF/AND/OR operators, but excel doesnt let you nest that many.
Any help that anyone gives would be more than appreciated, i'm relatively inexperienced with Excel.