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Moving data in financial forecast

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question Moving data in financial forecast

    I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the new input date. A what if concept.
    The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas. I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the link stays in Dec05.
    I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore that in itself would be helpful.
    I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.

  2. #2
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  3. #3
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  4. #4
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  5. #5
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  6. #6
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  7. #7
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  8. #8
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  9. #9
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  10. #10
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  11. #11
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  12. #12
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  13. #13
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  14. #14
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  15. #15
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  16. #16
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  17. #17
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  18. #18
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  19. #19
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  20. #20
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  21. #21
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  22. #22
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  23. #23
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  24. #24
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  25. #25
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  26. #26
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  27. #27
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

  28. #28
    PY & Associates

    RE: Moving data in financial forecast

    Got your solution?
    I wish to try please.

    "ashleyfox" wrote:

    > I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
    > rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
    > have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
    > Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
    > numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
    > new input date. A what if concept.
    > The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
    > I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
    > but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
    > to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
    > link stays in Dec05.
    > I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
    > way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
    > that in itself would be helpful.
    > I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
    > have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
    > --
    > ashleyfox
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ashleyfox's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26493
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=397600

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