Got your solution?
I wish to try please.

"ashleyfox" wrote:

> I am preparing a financial forecast and want to have the ability to move
> rows of revenue data to an earlier or later start date. For example, I
> have a contract beginning Dec 05 with monthly revenues running until
> Nov 07. I want to be able to change the start date and have the same
> numbers move to the right or left in the spreadsheet depending on the
> new input date. A what if concept.
> The at if function is too complex and each cell requires huge formulas.
> I have tried named ranges and I can cut and paste the whole range easily
> but then the links don't work. If Dec 05 is linked in my base worksheet
> to say Dec 05 in the P&L, if the data is moved to start Jan 06, the
> link stays in Dec05.
> I dont know if this is a macro/VBA issue or whether there is some other
> way. If someone could just tell me the excel functionality to explore
> that in itself would be helpful.
> I am sure this is a standard need but all the books and the posts I
> have read never seem to deal with it. Wouls appreciate some guidance.
> --
> ashleyfox
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