Sounds like the perfect place to use a Pivot table
Data->Pivot table and Pivot Chart Report...
Offers a variety of sorting and subtotaling options without messing with
your original data
"mdma" wrote:
> i have a sheet, which i want to sub total on two levels..
> for example, i have a product number, country code, and value. The
> sheet is sorted by product number then country code.
> i require totals for the value of the product (which i can acheive by
> using the sub total function), but also require a further total for
> upon change in country code with the the product number :
> product number country value
> 1 a 5
> 1 a 10
> *subtotal 15*
> 1 b 15
> *subtotal 15*
> Total 1 30
> 2 c 20
> *subtotal 20*
> Total 2 20
> --
> mdma
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