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Percentage Calculation

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question Percentage Calculation

    If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the table below I would greatly appreciate it:

    if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is 1.50%

    For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.

    Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 + $26.8125 + $3.825)


  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  3. #3
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks for the help. It worked perfectly.

  5. #5
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  6. #6
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  7. #7
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  8. #8
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  9. #9
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  10. #10
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  11. #11
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  12. #12
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  13. #13
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  14. #14
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  15. #15
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  16. #16
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  17. #17
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  18. #18
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  19. #19
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  20. #20
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  21. #21
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  22. #22
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  23. #23
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  24. #24
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  25. #25
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  26. #26
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  27. #27
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  28. #28
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  29. #29
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  30. #30
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  31. #31
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  32. #32
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  33. #33
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  34. #34
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  35. #35
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  36. #36
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  37. #37
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  38. #38
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  39. #39
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  40. #40
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  41. #41
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  42. #42
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  43. #43
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  44. #44
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  45. #45
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  46. #46
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  47. #47
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  48. #48
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  49. #49
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  50. #50
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  51. #51
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  52. #52
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  53. #53
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  54. #54
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  55. #55
    N Harkawat

    Re: Percentage Calculation


    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  56. #56
    Niek Otten

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Several options.

    One from Chip Pearson:


    Another one is to use the User Defined Function below
    Go to the VB Editor (ALT+F11)
    Paste the funcion in the code window
    Use the function from your worksheet
    ' ===============================
    Function PercPerSegment(Amount As Double, Table As Range) As Double
    ' Progressive pricing
    ' First argument is the quantity to be priced
    ' or the amount to be taxed
    ' Second argument is the Price or Tax% table (vertical)
    ' Make sure both ends of the table are correct;
    ' usually you start with zero and the corresponding price or %
    ' Any value should be found within the limits of the table, so
    ' if the top slice is infinite, then use
    ' something like 99999999999999999 as threshold
    ' and =NA() as corresponding value

    Dim StillLeft As Double
    Dim AmountThisSlice As Double
    Dim SumSoFar As Double
    Dim Counter As Long

    StillLeft = Amount

    For Counter = 1 To Table.Rows.Count - 1
    AmountThisSlice = Application.Min(StillLeft, Table(Counter + 1, 1) _
    - Table(Counter, 1))
    SumSoFar = SumSoFar + AmountThisSlice * Table(Counter, 2)
    StillLeft = StillLeft - AmountThisSlice
    PercPerSegment = SumSoFar
    End Function
    ' ===============================

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

  57. #57
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    One way, for all your eBay needs:


    You can find other variations, including using a table of rates at


    In article <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    clandis <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)

  58. #58
    Richard Neville

    Re: Percentage Calculation

    Maybe a series of IF instructions would work. I can't write the formula for
    you, but you would need three strings:

    If value in G6 is >.01<25, the output is G6 times .0525
    If value is G6 is >25<1000, output is 1.3125 plus (G6-25) times .0275
    If value in G6 is >1000, output is 1.3125 plus 26.8125 plus (G6-1000) times

    "clandis" <clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:clandis.1sj1r1_1121962188.4416@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > If someone could offer a solution on a percentage formula based on the
    > table below I would greatly appreciate it:
    > if the value in cell G6 is $00.01 - $25.00, the percentage is 5.25%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $25.01 - $1000.00, the percentage is 2.75%
    > if the value in cell G6 is $1000.01 and greater, the percentage is
    > 1.50%
    > For example, if I have a value of $1,255.00 in cell G6, I need to
    > calculate the first $25.00 at 5.25%, $975 at 2.75% and the remainder of
    > $255.00 at 1.50% added together and output a value in G7.
    > Doing this manually, i end up with $31.95 in cell G7 ($1.3125 +
    > $26.8125 + $3.825)
    > Help
    > --
    > clandis
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clandis's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25468
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=389079

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