I am trying to sort by sumif results to no avail! I have a specific cell as the criteria and when I run the sort, it follows the contents of the cell specified. Is the task I wish to complete even possible??? Here is an example:

Column A Column B

1 January =SUMIF('Points - Branches'!B:B,Standings!A1, 'Points -

2 February =SUMIF('Points - Branches'!B:B,Standings!A2, 'Points -

3 March =SUMIF('Points - Branches'!B:B,Standings!A3, 'Points -

I am trying to do a decensing sort by Column B and what happens is the Column A sorts properly, but the numbers in Column B stay as they are since if January moves to A3, the criteria in the B1 changes to A3 automatically.

I hope someone can help!!

Thank you!
