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MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE, MODE for multiple groups...how?

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Guest MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE, MODE... 07-13-2005, 04:05 PM
Guest Re: MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE,... 07-13-2005, 05:05 PM
Guest Re: MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE,... 07-14-2005, 02:05 PM
  1. #1
    || cypher ||

    MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE, MODE for multiple groups...how?

    I am wondering if there is an easy way to find the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN,
    AVERAGE, MODE for housing prices in different areas. I am able to export
    data to EXCEL format and currently, I laboriously have to DL excel sheets
    for 1 "AREA" at a time and paste a 5 cell template of formulas on row 1
    to caculate those values successfully.

    Instead of setting up the software and downloading 1 area at a time, I am
    able to select multiple areas and then export them to an excel sheet. one
    of the columns in the sheet contains the AREA NUMBER.

    It would be exponentially easier to export MULTIPLE AREAS, and somehow
    perform these calculations (which I don't know how to set up) which would
    lookup a column, say column d, and then calculate MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, AVERAGE,
    MODE for each set of areas.

    small sample data: (TAB SEPARATED)

    101 100,000
    101 125,000
    101 212,000
    101 225,000
    101 232,500
    235 199,900
    235 212,500
    235 229,000
    235 249,000
    322 89,500
    322 99,999
    322 102,850

    I wonder if there is a way to examine column A, detect how many different
    values there are (EXAMPLE 3) and then detect how many rows correspond to
    each value (EXAMPLE: 101=5, 235=4, 322=3) and then use that information to
    perform the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, AVERAGE, MODE to the corresponding column
    which in the example would be column B.

    I apollogize as I am a novice with more complicated formulas, I am hoping
    the solution will pop right out for some of you here in this forum.


  2. #2
    || cypher ||

    Re: MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE, MODE for multiple groups...how?


    Formula needs to
    I am looking to create several formulas which would be applied to a range of
    cells. ($G$2:$G$13) where the row numbers would change. I need a second
    formula which would (lookup?) column A (will be sorted already) to discover
    how many rows pertain to to a particular value (area#).
    Must return the beginning row number and ending row number corresponding to
    each set of area #'s.

    I am hoping to thenbe able to have these discovered ranges applied to my
    other formulas
    $G$2:$G$13, $G14:$G22, $G23:$G49, $G50:$G87 etc.
    (Say my sheet had column A with 4 different values for "Area#" Rows 2-13
    value 1, Rows 14-22 value 2, Rows 23-49 value 3, Rows 50-87 value 4.)

    Is there any hope to accomplish this? I am will ing to reformat, use
    different number of cells, sort, or what ever. I am trying to avoid
    downloading 576 separate excel files, and rather DL one HUGE file to perform
    all the calculations on.

    Thank You!

    "|| cypher ||" <remove.cypher_ftp@not.this.part.yahoo.com> wrote in message
    >I am wondering if there is an easy way to find the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN,
    >AVERAGE, MODE for housing prices in different areas. I am able to export
    >data to EXCEL format and currently, I laboriously have to DL excel sheets
    >for 1 "AREA" at a time and paste a 5 cell template of formulas on row 1
    >to caculate those values successfully.
    > Instead of setting up the software and downloading 1 area at a time, I am
    > able to select multiple areas and then export them to an excel sheet. one
    > of the columns in the sheet contains the AREA NUMBER.
    > It would be exponentially easier to export MULTIPLE AREAS, and somehow
    > perform these calculations (which I don't know how to set up) which would
    > lookup a column, say column d, and then calculate MIN, MAX, MEDIAN,
    > AVERAGE, MODE for each set of areas.
    > small sample data: (TAB SEPARATED)
    > 101 100,000
    > 101 125,000
    > 101 212,000
    > 101 225,000
    > 101 232,500
    > 235 199,900
    > 235 212,500
    > 235 229,000
    > 235 249,000
    > 322 89,500
    > 322 99,999
    > 322 102,850
    > I wonder if there is a way to examine column A, detect how many different
    > values there are (EXAMPLE 3) and then detect how many rows correspond to
    > each value (EXAMPLE: 101=5, 235=4, 322=3) and then use that information to
    > perform the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, AVERAGE, MODE to the corresponding column
    > which in the example would be column B.
    > I apollogize as I am a novice with more complicated formulas, I am hoping
    > the solution will pop right out for some of you here in this forum.
    > Thanks!
    > -cypher

  3. #3

    Re: MAX, MIN, MEAN, AVERAGE, MODE for multiple groups...how?

    Assuming that Columns A and B contain your data and the first row
    contains your headers/labels, enter your list of 'Areas' in a column,
    let's say Column D, starting at D2, then try...

    E2, copied down:


    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER. Replace MIN with
    the other functions you want, such as MAX, MEDIAN, etc.

    Hope this helps!

    In article <vbidnRheTMLE8UjfRVn-2w@wideopenwest.com>,
    "|| cypher ||" <remove.cypher_ftp@not.this.part.yahoo.com> wrote:

    > I am wondering if there is an easy way to find the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN,
    > AVERAGE, MODE for housing prices in different areas. I am able to export
    > data to EXCEL format and currently, I laboriously have to DL excel sheets
    > for 1 "AREA" at a time and paste a 5 cell template of formulas on row 1
    > to caculate those values successfully.
    > Instead of setting up the software and downloading 1 area at a time, I am
    > able to select multiple areas and then export them to an excel sheet. one
    > of the columns in the sheet contains the AREA NUMBER.
    > It would be exponentially easier to export MULTIPLE AREAS, and somehow
    > perform these calculations (which I don't know how to set up) which would
    > lookup a column, say column d, and then calculate MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, AVERAGE,
    > MODE for each set of areas.
    > small sample data: (TAB SEPARATED)
    > 101 100,000
    > 101 125,000
    > 101 212,000
    > 101 225,000
    > 101 232,500
    > 235 199,900
    > 235 212,500
    > 235 229,000
    > 235 249,000
    > 322 89,500
    > 322 99,999
    > 322 102,850
    > I wonder if there is a way to examine column A, detect how many different
    > values there are (EXAMPLE 3) and then detect how many rows correspond to
    > each value (EXAMPLE: 101=5, 235=4, 322=3) and then use that information to
    > perform the MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, AVERAGE, MODE to the corresponding column
    > which in the example would be column B.
    > I apollogize as I am a novice with more complicated formulas, I am hoping
    > the solution will pop right out for some of you here in this forum.
    > Thanks!
    > -cypher

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