How about, on your separate sheet having a cell for your required employee,
and use if statements to compare each day/shift with that required employee.

In your new sheet, copied from your template, insert a new column 'A'.

Set a1 to be the required employee.
In the Day/Shift cell try something like if(sheet1!c3 = $a$1,sheet1!c3,""),
put this formula in each day/shift and then you can produce totals as
Obviously changing the employee in 'A1' would change the whole sheet.



"Jeff Desruisseaux" <> wrote in message
>I created a scheduling template using excel 2000. A1 shows individual
>shifts (written in text format), A2 identifies the amount of hours in that
>shift. Every subsequent column has the names of the scheduled employees
>from sunday(A3) to saturday(A9). What I wish to do is to create a
>personalized employee worksheet where I would be able to tell how many
>shifts and hours each employee has in that week. Is this even possible
>given the design?
> Here is a sample of what my template looks like. Obviously the employee
> names are fictitious, but I would nonetheless like to be able to have on a
> separate worksheet: ddent 1 - number of shifts / number of hours...
> Thanks for your help.