I think you want to use the =indirect() worksheet function.
But the bad news is that this won't work when the workbook is closed.
Harlan Grove wrote a UDF called that will retrieve the value from a closed
You can find the function at Harlan's FTP site:
Look for pull.zip
tastic96 wrote:
> Hey there, this is my first time on a forum....
> I need to link from a worksheet to another file. Instead of creating
> this link normally (just by opening the other file and selecting the
> desired cell), I am trying to assemble the link from a number of
> different cells in different worksheets...
> for example.
> Cell A1 in worksheet1 = long file path
> something like - file://nuefil08\nuefeb4\Work\Data
> Entry\31.03.05\EM22.xls
> Cell A1 in worksheet2 = worksheet name and cell reference
> something like - Monthy Totals Line 1!C$159
> The link should be the sum of the 2 cells, however whatever I have
> tried, excel only returns the text string, not the actual value of the
> cell from the link...
> I've been trying everything for 2 days and it's starting to do my head
> in... Any help would be appreciated! Cheers...
> --
> tastic96
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tastic96's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24662
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=382405
Dave Peterson