I have combined data from 3 sources on one spreadsheet. The data has been
matched by EE # (same # in from all sources) so all data from the 3 sources
are on the same line for a particular EE #. Columns B through R contain data
from Source 1, columns T through AJ contain data from Source 2, columns AL
through BB contain data from Source 3.
1.) Formula in column A needs to look at data in column B, T & BB.
If there is data all three columns then the cell containing the formula
should be blank.
If there is no data in a column B the formula should return "No data in
Source 1".
If there is no data in multiple columns, the formula should return "No data
in Source 1 or 2", or "No data in Source 2 or 3 or "No data in Source 1 or 3"
whatever the case may be.
2.) I need to varify the data for certain columns plus identify which column
contains different data. Source 1 is the standard to measure the other
sources against. The data contained in column E from Source 1 should be the
same as column V from Source 2 and column AP from Source 3. A formula in
column BC needs to look at the data in E and compare the values of V and AP,
if either has a value different from the value in column E the formula needs
to return “Value from Source 2 is different†or “Value from Source 3 is
different or “Value from Source 2 and 3 are Different†or “No value in
Source 1†whatever the case may be.
I tried to evaluate using 2 sources, but ran into problems
If((B3>0)*(T3=0),â€Data in Source 1, but not in Source 2â€, “ “) worked, but
it references only the 2 columns.
However, If((T3>0)*(B3=0),â€Data in Source 2, but not in Source 1â€, “ “) does
not work. Again I am only referencing 2 of the data sources and I need to
compare all three.