Hi Harlan,

Please suggest me a good book to learn excel functions and programming.

"Harlan Grove" wrote:

> "kish20" <kish20@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote...
> >Pls tell how I can count the occurence of particular number in list of
> >numbers separated by comma in single cell.I would further extend this
> >counting to the entire column.
> >
> >Eg the number in a first cell : 2,3,4,5
> > Second cell: 2,3,6
> > third cell : 3,5,7 . . .

> ....
> >Here the answer expected from excel programming is 2.

> =SUMPRODUCT(LEN(","&A1:A3&",")-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(","&A1:A3&",",",2,",",,")))