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SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Exclamation SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function. I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where I'm getting in trouble.
    I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same row for each item.

    I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3, "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M in the sum.

    =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider, MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))

    The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What don't I understand???

  2. #2
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Great, it works! I had spent a couple of hours working on this.

    One change I had to make, was to change my "Yes/No" in the table to "1/0" in order to make it work, but that wasn't a problem to do and actually is a cleaner way. This solution lets me have a flexible table which can be added to without having to reprogram.
    Thanks for the help!

  4. #4

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  5. #5
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  6. #6

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  7. #7
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  8. #8

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  9. #9

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  10. #10
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  11. #11

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  12. #12

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  13. #13

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  14. #14
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  15. #15

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  16. #16
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  17. #17
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  18. #18

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  19. #19
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  20. #20

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  21. #21
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  22. #22

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  23. #23

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  24. #24
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  25. #25

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  26. #26

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  27. #27
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  28. #28

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  29. #29
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  30. #30

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  31. #31
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  32. #32

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  33. #33
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  34. #34

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  35. #35
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  36. #36

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  37. #37

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  38. #38
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  39. #39

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

  40. #40

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  41. #41
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  42. #42

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  43. #43

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  44. #44
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  45. #45
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    I assume that:

    (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.

    [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    exist pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:


    If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...


    rlutes wrote:
    > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > I'm getting in trouble.
    > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > row for each item.
    > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > in the sum.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > don't I understand???

  46. #46

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    The following formula...


    ....seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    #N/A value. Therefore, wouldn't the following formula be more

    )="Yes")* M8:M14))

    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    In article <42a156a7$0$35366$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > I assume that:
    > (1) pl_Resources refers to the first column of pl_Provider,
    > (2) pl_Provider is set (sorted) in ascending order on pl_provider.
    > [A] If G8:G14 is guaranteed not to contain any item that does not also
    > exist pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes"),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(LOOKUP(G8:G14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3))="Yes"),M8:M1
    > 4)
    > [B] If G8:G14 might contain items that do not exist in pl_Resources, then:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > If Yes/No values are not in the last column of pl_Provider...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0)),--ISNUMBER(1/(LOOKUP(G8:G
    > 14,pl_Resources,INDEX(pl_Provider,0,3)),M8:M14)
    > rlutes wrote:
    > > I could use some help determining my problem with a Sumproduct function.
    > > I'm wanting to sum a list "M8:M14" if a criteria is met. Here's where
    > > I'm getting in trouble.
    > > I have a separate database or multi-row/multi-column array
    > > (pl_Provider) with the first column a listing of items and in the third
    > > column of the array I have assigned a value of "Yes" or "No" in the same
    > > row for each item.
    > >
    > > I'm having the formula look at a local range "G8:G14" and then do a
    > > lookup in the array "pl_Provider" to determine if a Matching record
    > > from column G exists and if it does to return the value from column 3,
    > > "Yes" or "No". If it is Yes, I want to include the value in column M
    > > in the sum.
    > >
    > > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDEX(pl_Provider,
    > > MATCH(G8:G14,pl_Resources,0),3)="Yes"),(M8:M14))
    > >
    > > The first array in Sumproduct doesn't seem to be giving me an array
    > > value, but seems to only evaluate it for only the first value. What
    > > don't I understand???
    > >
    > >

  47. #47
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > The following formula...
    > (G8:G14,pl_Provider)="Yes")),M8:M14)
    > ...seems to fail when any one of the array of lookup values returns a
    > #N/A value.


    An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.

    Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:


  48. #48

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    > Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER({#N/A;2;6;#N/A;3;#N/A;#N/A}),--ISNUMBER(1/({#N/A;"No";"
    > Yes";#N/A;"No";#N/A;"No"}="Yes")),{5;6;4;7;8;9;6})

    In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    returns 0 and I get the following error message...

    "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."

    I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as



    So why am I getting an error?

  49. #49
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <42a1f81d$0$32312$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    >>An #N/A cannot go thru the ISNUMBER tests that figure in the formula.
    >>Here is an example intermediate state of evaluation:

    > In theory, the above formula should return 4. The problem is that it
    > returns 0 and I get the following error message...
    > "Microsoft Excel cannot calculate the formula..."
    > I understand that the next stages of the evaluation would be as
    > follows...
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;1;1;0;1;0},{0;0;1;0;0;0},{5;6;4;7;8;9})
    > =SUMPRODUCT({0;0;4;0;0;0})
    > So why am I getting an error?

    No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

  50. #50

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:

    > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    Yes please. I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks Aladin!

  51. #51

    Re: SUMPRODUCT using and INDEX function doesn't total

    When I opened the workbook, the correct result was shown. But when I
    re-entered the formula or clicked in the formula bar and then pressed
    ENTER, I got a 0 along with the same error message.

    So something must be wrong with my version of Excel. Maybe a bug of
    some sort, who knows. I'll have to bring this to Microsoft's attention.

    Aladin, thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated!

    In article <domenic22-5F44DD.18440304062005@msnews.microsoft.com>,
    Domenic <domenic22@sympatico.ca> wrote:

    > In article <42a228bd$0$29627$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl>,
    > Aladin Akyurek <akyurek@xs4all.nl> wrote:
    > > No idea. I myself get 4. Want me to send you the workbook?

    > Yes please. I'd appreciate it.
    > Thanks Aladin!

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