I need to combine (Copy/ Pastelink ) several worksheets into 1 Summary
sheet but I dont need the first 3 rows or last 4 rows of the worksheet
to be copied to the Summary worksheet. except for the first sheet.
The sheets are all formatted alike, but each sheet has varying amounts
of data. All go from A5: to column U except the first sheeet which will
start at A1

I will like to keep the page formatting also. (Shading, colors etc.. )
Headings from the first sheet , Sheet 1 is to be used for Headings of
the summary sheet. It does not have to be created in code.

I dont want the last 4 rows of any sheet posted to the summary sheet.

Sheets 1 - 10 included. Sheet names Sheet 1 - Sheet 10

Any working code samples or help appreciated