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how do I insert a row based on a function result

  1. #1

    how do I insert a row based on a function result

    I want to run a a IF statement to qualify a row of data, and them if the
    condition is true, I want to insert a blank row below the current row where
    the fomula resides. I could also rework the formula to allow for the
    insertion of the blank row to be above the current row, as well. Either would

    Any assistance would be great!

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: how do I insert a row based on a function result

    Formulas can return values to the cell--they can't insert rows above (or below).

    chris wrote:
    > I want to run a a IF statement to qualify a row of data, and them if the
    > condition is true, I want to insert a blank row below the current row where
    > the fomula resides. I could also rework the formula to allow for the
    > insertion of the blank row to be above the current row, as well. Either would
    > work.
    > Any assistance would be great!


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: how do I insert a row based on a function result

    "Dave Peterson" wrote:

    > Formulas can return values to the cell--they can't insert rows above (or below).
    > chris wrote:
    > >
    > > I want to run a a IF statement to qualify a row of data, and them if the
    > > condition is true, I want to insert a blank row below the current row where
    > > the fomula resides. I could also rework the formula to allow for the
    > > insertion of the blank row to be above the current row, as well. Either would
    > > work.
    > >
    > > Any assistance would be great!

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

    I understand. Then, is there a way to insert a blank row from a Macro.. one
    that would look at a one consistent cell within a row to qualify the
    insertion (ie...for any row where column A contains "X", then insert a row??


  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: how do I insert a row based on a function result

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme()

    Dim FirstRow As Long
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim wks As Worksheet

    Set wks = Worksheets("sheet1")
    With wks
    FirstRow = 1
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    For iRow = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1
    If LCase(.Cells(iRow, "A").Value) = LCase("x") Then
    .Rows(iRow + 1).EntireRow.Insert
    End If
    Next iRow
    End With

    End Sub

    Will insert a new row after if it finds an X in column A. (after that row).

    chris wrote:
    > "Dave Peterson" wrote:
    > > Formulas can return values to the cell--they can't insert rows above (or below).
    > >
    > > chris wrote:
    > > >
    > > > I want to run a a IF statement to qualify a row of data, and them if the
    > > > condition is true, I want to insert a blank row below the current row where
    > > > the fomula resides. I could also rework the formula to allow for the
    > > > insertion of the blank row to be above the current row, as well. Either would
    > > > work.
    > > >
    > > > Any assistance would be great!

    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > Dave Peterson
    > >

    > I understand. Then, is there a way to insert a blank row from a Macro.. one
    > that would look at a one consistent cell within a row to qualify the
    > insertion (ie...for any row where column A contains "X", then insert a row??
    > Thanks.


    Dave Peterson

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