
Thanks. This helps somewhat. However, do you know of a way to show c1 with
all it's possible select choices, e7 with it's choices and m7 with it's
choices with the (equally any number of combinations) with the end results
being F, P or I. I'm probably confusing things here. C1 has P, F or I as
selection choices, as does e7 and m7.. My final result will be based on any
combination of the three. I've been wracking my brain on this all day. It
may well be that I have to put each combination of arrays into a separate
cell rather than in a single cell.

Regards, Sue

"Alan" wrote:

> Not sure about this but try
> =IF(OR(C1="F",E7="F",M7="F"),"F","P")
> Regards,
> Alan.
> "Sue" <> wrote in message
> >I have a number of spreadsheets that I am creating. I need to generate
> > results from data in non-sequential cells. Each cell has 3 choices that a
> > user can select from and the final result would be Pass, Fail or
> > Incomplete
> > based on the selections in the other cells. (example: C1=P, E7=F, M7=I
> > this
> > would result in I as the end result. C1=P, E7=P, M7=F, this would result
> > in
> > F as the final result. I need to be able to create a formulat that would
> > cover many combinations to get my end result. Each informational cell
> > has
> > the values of P, F or I
> >
> > Any help on this will be very helpful.
> >
