Did you ever get your answer? I have the same problem and believe me the
right click (group) thing works but is real limited. You can not set print
area nor can you clear print area in a workbook. That has to happen on the
worksheets. I saw something in MS Help that had the name, define, option.
That only works on the worksheet you are defining the print criteria. If
anyone out there has a simple VBA or macro code that can be written it would
surely be great.
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
> Since the term "format" is rather generic I can only supply a generic method.
> Select first worksheet tab then right-click and "select all sheets".
> Do your formatting on active sheet and it will be done to all sheets.
> DO NOT FORGET to ungroup the sheets when done.
> NOTE: while in group mode, some Print Setup features are not
> available........set print area, print titles to name two.
> To do all sheets in all files would require VBA code to open each file,
> operate on all sheets in the file, save/close and open next file.
> Gord Dibben Excel MVP
> On Tue, 17 May 2005 10:46:03 -0700, "mdeanda"
> <mdeanda@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> >For proper printing I need to copy the format from one tab into all of the
> >other tabs in a work book. I have 35 files with up to 40 tabs in each file.
> >Is there a way to copy the format once for each Excel file