
I am trying to build formulas that will lookup values in a table. The problem is the table is dynamic, i.e. it will change with user input. I want to convert information in this dynamic table to a fixed location. The dynamic table displays year placed in service (YrInService), month placed in service (MoInService) and dollar amount for that month and year (UnfinancedPortion). An example entry for row1 might be
YrInservice = 2
MoInService = 4
Unfinancied = $100000

row 2 might be

YrInservice = 1
MoInService = 6
Unfinancied = $25000

row 3 might be

YrInservice = 3
MoInService = 3
Unfinancied = $250000

up to 12 rows

User input controls the YrInService and MoInService and the table may not be in any kind of order, i.e. ascending.

From this table I want to sum the dollar values for that meet the same year and month criteria (all year 1, month 6 or year 2, month 8) and place them in another table in correct cronological order, i.e. if year is 2 and month is 4 (total of 28 months) it would place the total dollar amount that meet this criteria in the 28th column of the second table.

My problem is that the sample table above is dynamic where YrInService can range from 1 to 3 and MoInService can range from 1 to 12 for any row.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.