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referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

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Guest referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 01:06 PM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-04-2005, 05:06 AM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-04-2005, 01:06 PM
Guest Re: referencing named formula... 05-03-2005, 01:06 PM
  1. #1
    Rob Hick

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    thanks for the tip Peo, but it doesn't seem to have worked. All the
    names of the worksheets are single words (no spaces) so it shouldn't
    matter whether I have quotes or not (if I've understood you correctly)

  2. #2
    Vasant Nanavati

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function


    worked for me.



    "Rob Hick" <rob.hick@nbs.nhs.uk> wrote in message
    > thanks for the tip Peo, but it doesn't seem to have worked. All the
    > names of the worksheets are single words (no spaces) so it shouldn't
    > matter whether I have quotes or not (if I've understood you correctly)

  3. #3
    Rob Hick

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    that not quite what i was after Vasant - i need to reference the name
    rather than 'A1'. So on my workbook (XL2000):

    is ok but
    or any permuation of getting the correct text, does not work


  4. #4
    Peo Sjoblom

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    How is the name defined? Go to insert>name>define and select MonthSales, now if
    it for sinstance says something like =London!$C$2

    then you can use


    This also works for me


    assuming that London is the sheet name and not the workbook name


    Peo Sjoblom

    "Rob Hick" wrote:

    > that not quite what i was after Vasant - i need to reference the name
    > rather than 'A1'. So on my workbook (XL2000):
    > =London!MonthSales
    > is ok but
    > =INDIRECT("London!MonthSales")
    > or any permuation of getting the correct text, does not work
    > Rob

  5. #5
    Rob Hick

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    to clarify - the name MonthSales is a local name for the worksheet
    'London'. It is defined above in my first post. I am referencing it
    in another worksheet called 'Summary'.

    could the problem be because the name effectively returns a value and
    not a reference?

  6. #6
    Vasant Nanavati

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    Again, under the scenario you described:


    works just fine for me.

    "cellabove" is a named formula that returns the contents of the cell above
    it. The cell above it contains the text "London". The sheet named London has
    a named range called MonthSales. The above formula returns the contents of
    this range.

    I don't see the problem.



    "Rob Hick" <rob.hick@nbs.nhs.uk> wrote in message
    > that not quite what i was after Vasant - i need to reference the name
    > rather than 'A1'. So on my workbook (XL2000):
    > =London!MonthSales
    > is ok but
    > =INDIRECT("London!MonthSales")
    > or any permuation of getting the correct text, does not work
    > Rob

  7. #7
    Rob Hick

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    In response to Harlan - the named formula 'WorksheetName' returns the
    name of the sheet on which the named formula is used. In this instance
    it returns the name of the 'Summary' sheet - becuase that is actually
    where the data element I want to look up is located (it's a month, e.g
    April 05).

    And the strange mathematics exists because the second 2 is actually
    another named formula in reality - it was just easier to put 2 rather
    than define another in the post.

    Vasant - have you defined the names exactly as I have put above? In
    which case, is this a problem in XL2000?

    Thanks for all your help,

  8. #8
    Harlan Grove

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    Rob Hick wrote...
    >In response to Harlan - the named formula 'WorksheetName' returns the
    >name of the sheet on which the named formula is used. In this

    >it returns the name of the 'Summary' sheet - becuase that is actually
    >where the data element I want to look up is located (it's a month, e.g
    >April 05).

    There are two common problems that could occur with the formula you use
    to define WorksheetName, which is


    1=2E CELL("filename") without a second argument will return the worksheet
    name for the active cell as of the most recent recalc, not the
    worksheet name for the calling cell.

    2=2E If you haven't yet saved the file, CELL("filename") will return an

    This is why I wanted you to check the value of WorksheetName. If you
    have, then no problem. If you haven't and are just assuming that the
    formula couldn't possibly be wrong, then you've made the most
    fundamental mistake in programming: never assume anything.

    >And the strange mathematics exists because the second 2 is actually
    >another named formula in reality - it was just easier to put 2 rather
    >than define another in the post.

    So your actual formula looks more like


    [If you want to provide a simplified example, then eliminate *ALL*
    noise, so MysteryDefinedName+ROW()+2 -> ROW() rather than 2+ROW()+2.]

    Are you sure it isn't this other defined name that's causing the

    As defined above, WorksheetName must be the name of a worksheet in the
    active workbook, so the INDIRECT call should work as long as 2+ROW()+X
    evaluates to an integer between 1 and 65536, you're recalculating from
    within the same workbook, *AND* you have Transition Formula Evaluation
    *DISabled* [otherwise, you need to use TEXT(2+ROW()+X,"0")].

    This points out a necessary debugging step. Enter the following




    This would isolate the expression in which the error occurs.

  9. #9
    Rob Hick

    Re: referencing named formula using INDIRECT function

    thanks for all the pointers Harlan. I'd misunderstodd what the
    CELL("filename") function returned so I'm not sure that my
    'WorksheetName' name is actually going to always return what i require.
    Is there any other funtion that will achieve what I'm after?

    As regards the --W=ADorksheetName&"!$A"&2+ROW()+X -- part, the X is just
    a name (Row_Offset =3D 2) so it shouldn't be causing any errors. And the
    2+ROW()+X should return a number everytime but I tried your sugestion
    of TEXT() just in case nad it didn't solve the problem.

    The problem with trying to isolate the expression where the error
    occurs is that the error doesn't occur if i reference the name
    directly, i.e. =3DLondon!MonthSales; the problem only comes if i
    reference it using the INDIRECT function to 'build' the reference text
    from data in other cells.

    Thanks again

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