I am using the following inputs for a combined VLOOKUP and INDIRECT function. I think I have put everything necessary but I still get the #REF! error. I think I have the correct syntax which I found on this forum, but I may be missing something.
I am trying to use inputs from various cells and fixed text to generate a path and array reference in another file for the VLOOKUP function to use.
VLOOKUP(A3,INDIRECT("'"&"I:\Finance\2004\IT DEPARTMENT\IT PROJECTS TRACKING\1 - Individual files\"&B78&"."&B79&"."&B80&"\["&C1&" "&B78&"."&B79&"."&B80&".xls]Template"&"'"&"!$A$1:$ZZ$200",TRUE),5,FALSE)
It will be great if you could tell me where I may be going wrong so that I can use this combination to make my spreadsheet easier to use and modify.
Thanking you in advance for any help you may give me.