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INDIRECT Function and Autofill

  1. #1
    Neil Grantham

    INDIRECT Function and Autofill

    Hi folks

    After a bit of searching the groups, I found some tips on something I
    want to do, but it's not quite working out.

    I have weekly timesheets containing about 20 staff, that work out
    salaries, each sheet is named week 1, week 2 etc.... to week 52
    Part of the sheet sums how many days holiday taken that week (if any),
    and days off sick.

    Finally, I have a separate sheet on which I want to copy the days
    taken on leave, and subtract them from their annual entitlement,

    So, in Column A and B are foreame and surname, column C has the annual
    leave entitlement. Cells D2 to BC2 have the lables week 1 etc.
    The cell D3 to BC3 have the first staff member, and I used the
    following to copy the value from each sheet.
    =INDIRECT(""'&D$2&"'!AK8") - this went in D3, and I used the Autofill
    to copy this across the row.
    However, if I try to Autofill down the column, the value !AK8 doesn't
    Is there a way round this or did I do something wrong.


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: INDIRECT Function and Autofill





    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Neil Grantham" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi folks
    > After a bit of searching the groups, I found some tips on something I
    > want to do, but it's not quite working out.
    > I have weekly timesheets containing about 20 staff, that work out
    > salaries, each sheet is named week 1, week 2 etc.... to week 52
    > Part of the sheet sums how many days holiday taken that week (if any),
    > and days off sick.
    > Finally, I have a separate sheet on which I want to copy the days
    > taken on leave, and subtract them from their annual entitlement,
    > So, in Column A and B are foreame and surname, column C has the annual
    > leave entitlement. Cells D2 to BC2 have the lables week 1 etc.
    > The cell D3 to BC3 have the first staff member, and I used the
    > following to copy the value from each sheet.
    > =INDIRECT(""'&D$2&"'!AK8") - this went in D3, and I used the Autofill
    > to copy this across the row.
    > However, if I try to Autofill down the column, the value !AK8 doesn't
    > change.
    > Is there a way round this or did I do something wrong.
    > Thanks
    > Neil

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