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Finding Specific Text in a Text String

  1. #1
    Peter Gundrum

    Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Does anybody know if there is a way to do this. Say I
    have a list of words


    Say I have a text string in one cell such as <B>"My car is
    in the house in my garage"</B>.

    I want to put a formula into the cell next to this text
    string and then do the following.

    What I need is some sort of function or formula that will
    look at my list of words and tell me which words on the
    list are in the text string and then mark the cell with
    what words it found.

    In this example in my text string are the words "House"
    and "Car", so I would want the formula to put into the
    cell an "H" telling me it found the word "House" and
    a "C" telling me it found the word "Car"

    So the final result in my cell where the formula is would
    be "HC".

    Is this possible? Boy, if you could help me with this it
    would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

  2. #2
    Fredrik Wahlgren

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    "Peter Gundrum" <anonymous@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Does anybody know if there is a way to do this. Say I
    > have a list of words
    > Car
    > Apple
    > Fan
    > House
    > Fork
    > Say I have a text string in one cell such as <B>"My car is
    > in the house in my garage"</B>.
    > I want to put a formula into the cell next to this text
    > string and then do the following.
    > What I need is some sort of function or formula that will
    > look at my list of words and tell me which words on the
    > list are in the text string and then mark the cell with
    > what words it found.
    > In this example in my text string are the words "House"
    > and "Car", so I would want the formula to put into the
    > cell an "H" telling me it found the word "House" and
    > a "C" telling me it found the word "Car"
    > So the final result in my cell where the formula is would
    > be "HC".
    > Is this possible? Boy, if you could help me with this it
    > would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

    Not completed yet. I have to go away. but I 'll be back Should get you
    started. The problem is that the search is case sensitive

    Public Function Peter(ByVal r As Range, ByVal s As String) As String
    Dim size As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim ret As Long
    Dim sRet As String

    size = r.Columns.Count * r.Rows.Count
    s = ""

    For i = 1 To size
    ret = InStr(1, r(i), s, vbTextCompare)

    If (ret > 0) Then
    s = s + Left(s, 0)
    End If
    Peter = s
    End Function


  3. #3
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    If you install the morefunc add-in from http://longre.free.fr/english/,
    you can invoke:


    which you must confirm with control+shift+enter instead of just with enter.

    Note that A2:A6 is assumed to house the search words and B2 the target

    Peter Gundrum wrote:
    > Does anybody know if there is a way to do this. Say I
    > have a list of words
    > Car
    > Apple
    > Fan
    > House
    > Fork
    > Say I have a text string in one cell such as <B>"My car is
    > in the house in my garage"</B>.
    > I want to put a formula into the cell next to this text
    > string and then do the following.
    > What I need is some sort of function or formula that will
    > look at my list of words and tell me which words on the
    > list are in the text string and then mark the cell with
    > what words it found.
    > In this example in my text string are the words "House"
    > and "Car", so I would want the formula to put into the
    > cell an "H" telling me it found the word "House" and
    > a "C" telling me it found the word "Car"
    > So the final result in my cell where the formula is would
    > be "HC".
    > Is this possible? Boy, if you could help me with this it
    > would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

  4. #4
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Peter Gundrum wrote...
    >Does anybody know if there is a way to do this. Say I
    >have a list of words
    >Say I have a text string in one cell such as <B>"My car is
    >in the house in my garage"</B>.

    >What I need is some sort of function or formula that will
    >look at my list of words and tell me which words on the
    >list are in the text string and then mark the cell with
    >what words it found.
    >In this example in my text string are the words "House"
    >and "Car", so I would want the formula to put into the
    >cell an "H" telling me it found the word "House" and
    >a "C" telling me it found the word "Car"
    >So the final result in my cell where the formula is would
    >be "HC".


    Aladin's solution involving MOREFUNC.XLL is best if you can use such an
    add-in. If not, and if you don't have too many words in your list, you
    could use something like


    where A8 is the cell containing your string, and A1:A5 holds your list
    of words.

  5. #5

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    The OP should be made aware that neither the COUNTIF nor
    the ISNUMBER SEARCH formulas are "bullet proof". I haven't
    tried the UDF.


    >-----Original Message-----
    >Peter Gundrum wrote...
    >>Does anybody know if there is a way to do this. Say I
    >>have a list of words
    >>Say I have a text string in one cell such as <B>"My car

    >>in the house in my garage"</B>.

    >>What I need is some sort of function or formula that will
    >>look at my list of words and tell me which words on the
    >>list are in the text string and then mark the cell with
    >>what words it found.
    >>In this example in my text string are the words "House"
    >>and "Car", so I would want the formula to put into the
    >>cell an "H" telling me it found the word "House" and
    >>a "C" telling me it found the word "Car"
    >>So the final result in my cell where the formula is would
    >>be "HC".

    >Aladin's solution involving MOREFUNC.XLL is best if you

    can use such an
    >add-in. If not, and if you don't have too many words in

    your list, you
    >could use something like
    >where A8 is the cell containing your string, and A1:A5

    holds your list
    >of words.

  6. #6
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Biff wrote...
    >The OP should be made aware that neither the COUNTIF nor
    >the ISNUMBER SEARCH formulas are "bullet proof". I haven't
    >tried the UDF.


    If you mean that both are case-insensitive and, e.g., 'Cat' would match
    'category' and 'duplicate', then you've got a point. I'll guess
    case-insensitivity isn't a big deal for the OP, but false matches to
    substrings in longer words could be a problem. If that's the case, no
    good alternative to UDFs interfacing to VBScript regular expression
    objects, which provide a noncapturing word break token, \b.

  7. #7
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Biff wrote:
    > The OP should be made aware that neither the COUNTIF nor
    > the ISNUMBER SEARCH formulas are "bullet proof". I haven't
    > tried the UDF.
    > Biff


    Indeed. Atleast...

    =MCONCAT(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(" "&A2:A6&" "," "&TRIM(B2)&"

  8. #8
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    For this to work, the sentence in B2 must be "de-punctuated".

    Aladin Akyurek wrote:
    > Biff wrote:
    >> The OP should be made aware that neither the COUNTIF nor the ISNUMBER
    >> SEARCH formulas are "bullet proof". I haven't tried the UDF.
    >> Biff

    > [...]
    > Indeed. Atleast...
    > =MCONCAT(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(" "&A2:A6&" "," "&TRIM(B2)&"
    > ")),LEFT(UPPER(A2:A6)),""))

  9. #9
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Aladin Akyurek wrote...
    >For this to work, the sentence in B2 must be "de-punctuated".


    And that requires? The OP showed HTML-like tags, so in addition to the
    usual English language punctuation characters,

    .. , ; : - ! ? ( ) [ ] '

    you'd need to add < and >. That doesn't include &, " or /, all of which
    appear from time to time in prose, and * and _, which appear in
    newsgroup postings to add emphasis (possibly irrelevant). Anyway,
    that's 14 punctuation characters that'd need to be replaced by spaces.
    Not possible with built-in functions even with MOREFUNC.XLL since it'd
    require at least 14 nested function calls.

    I'll repeat: the *ONLY* practical approach to doing this (text
    processing, not number crunching) is using a udf wrapper around
    VBScript regular expressions.

  10. #10
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: Finding Specific Text in a Text String

    Harlan Grove wrote:
    > Aladin Akyurek wrote...
    >>For this to work, the sentence in B2 must be "de-punctuated".

    > ...
    > And that requires?

    I wasn't proposing (put otherwise: intended to propose) de-punctuation
    of the target string by means of formulas using Excel's current functions.


    > I'll repeat: the *ONLY* practical approach to doing this (text
    > processing, not number crunching) is using a udf wrapper around
    > VBScript regular expressions.

    Quite so.

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