"Bob Phillips" <bob.phillips@notheretiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Jason Morin" <jasonjmorin@OPPOSITEOFCOLDmail.com> wrote in message
> news:03d301c5342b$2eb7c240$a601280a@phx.gbl...
> >
> > I'd suggest applying what I've given you, enhance it as
> > much as you can, then suck it up and do a manual check on
> > the rest.

> or use it as supporting material as to how difficult the problem is,
> and how it is better to fix the source of the problem, not the
> manifestation.

Hi Bob,

Unfortunately the data is already in existence for many periods and
that is what we have to work with for the statutory returns.

The systems going forwards are fully integrated so the issue does
exist in the same way - the source of the problem is already fixed,
now I just have to find a way to report the history accurately enough
for the authorities.

I will keep looking for an algorithm - if you have any other ideas,
please do post back.

