"Mili" wrote:
> I'm trying to copy the result of a particular formula to another sheet
> within the workbook. I need to set this up within a macro, so that the weekly
> results will be stored on another sheet, and the new weeks results can be
> entetred but the only function I can find similar to this is the "Freeze
> cells" which enables me to change the origin cell from the formula to the
> result, but not to change the destination cells.
Hi Mili
If I understand the problem correctly, here is what I would do.
With the origin cell, say cell A1 on Worksheet called SOURCE.
And the destination cell M4 on Worksheet called OUTPUT.
In the macro I would put a line like -
Worksheets("OUTPUT").Range("M4").Value =
This will put whatever value is in A1 into M4.
Then if you want A1 zeroed out, add on the next line -
Worksheets("SOURCE").Range("A1").Value = 0
I hope I undeerstand the problem correctly.