How do i count the number of cells in a column containing "offer withdrawn". That have actually been withdrawn between two dates. The date is shoun in another column.
The AND function doesn't appear to work, when used within the COUNTIF function. im stuck now, can anyone help??
This formula counts "offer withdrawn" in column g.
=COUNTIF('Clearence Status sheet'!G:G,"Offer Withdrawn")
ive tried this: but it didnt work
=COUNTIF('Clearence Status sheet'!G:G,AND("Offer Withdrawn",COUNTIF('Clearence Status sheet'!L:L,">=38108")-COUNTIF('Clearence Status sheet'!L:L,">38138")))
NOTE: the 38108 and 38138 should count all dates in May 2004.
Can anyone help??
Many thanks