Hi all,
Your help with this would be greatly appreciated !!!!
I have created the sumproduct bellow and it works perfect :-)
=SUMPRODUCT((Data!$J$2:$J$6721="Senior")*(Data!$D$2:$D$6721="Non Project")*(Data!$E$2:$E$6721="Skills Improvement")*1)
However I need the columns to expand down if a new entry to the table is added. So i created a named range by clicking on
Insert | Name | define
This range has the name of
In the refares to box of the range i entered a OFFSET statement so the Name range grows as new entries are added as shown bellow
Now i need to change the Summproduct statement so that it uses the name range insted of
I guesed the Sumproduct would look something like this
=SUMPRODUCT((Excelbreakdown.xls!Job_Des="Senior")*(Data!$D$2:$D$6721="Non Project")*(Data!$E$2:$E$6721="Skills Improvement")*1)
However the
does not seem to work it gives me an N/A error
Hope this makes sence - Any help would be FAB