If ID is in B, Mon In C, Avg in J, then try


which is an array formula, so commit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter



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"Jacinthe" <Jacinthe@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I have a worksheet containing the following:
> Name ID Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Avg
> For each ID, there may be multiple listings of the same name, because each
> day has to have its own row. What I want to do is create a formula that

> only read the "Mon" information for each name OR the "avg" line, if there

> no Mon. Our current function is a simple =sumif using the name and the
> monday line, but it requires us to do some additional work to add on the
> "avg" line after the printout is complete.
> I think the sumproduct function might be useful here, but I'm not sure how
> to apply it in this situation ... any ideas?