Help please! I cannot get my head around the difference between
relative and absolute referencing. Any help offered would be
gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Cath.
Help please! I cannot get my head around the difference between
relative and absolute referencing. Any help offered would be
gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Cath.
Hello there,
Relative and Absolute cell addressing refers to the way a=20
formula is copied, ie. when the fill handle is dragged.
Name Jan Feb Mar Total
Bob 10 20 30 =3DB1+C1+D1
Ben 20 30 40 =3DB2+C2+D2
Betty 30 40 50 =3DB3+C3+D3
The cell references change as the formula is copied. When=20
the results is moved down so are the cells it refers to.
Item Price VAT
TV =A3500 =3DB2*$B$5
Video =A3200 =3DB3*$B$5
DVD =A3100 =3DB4*$B$5
VAT 17.5%
The cell reference for the Salary moves down (Relative)=20
but the VAT cell stays the same (Absolute), so each price=20
is multiplied by the same cell.
You can add the dollars by pressing F4 after clicking on=20
the cell in the formula bar
Hope this helps
>-----Original Message-----
>Help please! I cannot get my head around the difference=20
>relative and absolute referencing. Any help offered=20
would be
>gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Cath.
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