
So, what you want to do is to extract the "comments" to a
new list?

Assume the "comments" are in the range F2:F20.

Try this array formula entered with the key combo of

=INDEX('Feb 05'!F$2:F$20,SMALL(IF('Feb 05'!F$2:F$20<>"",ROW

Copy down until you get #NUM! errors meaning the data has
been exhausted.

Note: ROW(A$1:A$19) refers to the size of the range Feb 05!
F$2:F$20. You could build into the formula a method that
will automatically calculate the size of the range but
more detail would be needed to come up with a specific


>-----Original Message-----
>I am trying to generate an "index" of sorts, for a series

of spreadsheets.
>This index is supposed to be a list of "hot items:" row

entries for which the
>user entered a one-word comment. Only about 10 percent of

the rows have a
>word in the "comment" column.
>My formula for this index looks like this:
>=IF(('Feb 05'!F2=0),goto 'Feb 05'!F3,('Feb 05'!F2))
>(Where Feb 05 is the name of the first spreadsheet I need

to index.)
>"goto" is what I want the forumla to do: if the value in

the "comment" cell
>is null, then skip to the next row.
>Any help would be much appreciated!