Hi Kaine,
I think your best bet would be a pivot table.
It does all of the things you mentioned and more..
The only thing you wll need to do is include a Month column in your sheet
and you will be set..
If you don't know about Pivots I can help you to some degree.
"Kaine" wrote:
> Does any one know an easy way to convert a series of weekly data into their
> respective monthly averages.
> I have a large range of data in weekly format:
> 1/2/99 3.54
> 8/2/99 5.41
> 15/2/99 2.10
> through to...
> 25/2/05 4.10
> How can i get that data into a table which looks like:
> 1999 2000 ....... 2005
> Jan 5.12 1.24 ...... 5.28
> Feb 2.14 3.54 ....... 1.79
> Mar etc etc
> ....
> Dec 2.45 4.8 ........ #NA
> The monthly average table needs to look up the respective months in the
> weekly data and average them into the corresponding cell (ie Jan-1999 equals
> 5.12 from the 4 or so weeks of data).
> I am thinking vlookup function, but am unsure how to add average when
> looking up a series of dates in a lookup function.
> I already have a similar table which looks up the week number of the date
> and puts the corresponding weekly data into the table against its week number.
> The weekly data may also have returned #na for graphing purposes, is there
> anyway i can accommodate this in the formula.
> I would appreciate some help.