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Need Formula to display pivot table source data

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  1. #1
    Don S

    Need Formula to display pivot table source data

    I have a workbook with multiple worksheets of data from which I create
    pivot tables. I need a way to display in a cell above my pivot table
    the range name (I use dynamic range names for the source data) of the
    source data used. In other words, I need to know which data table the
    pivot table used without having to select "Data-Pivot Table-Back" each
    time. There are about 50 pivot tables in this workbook and all have
    to be updated each month.

    Don S

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Need Formula to display pivot table source data

    You could create a user defined function:

    In a regular module in the workbook, enter the following code:

    Function PTSource(rng) As String
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Set pt = ActiveSheet.Range(rng.Address).PivotTable
    PTSource = pt.SourceData
    End Function

    Then, on the worksheet, type: =PTSource(A3)
    Replace the A3 with a reference to a pivot table cell on your worksheet.
    Note: this formula won't work for pivot tables created from multiple
    consolidation ranges.

    Don S wrote:
    > I have a workbook with multiple worksheets of data from which I create
    > pivot tables. I need a way to display in a cell above my pivot table
    > the range name (I use dynamic range names for the source data) of the
    > source data used. In other words, I need to know which data table the
    > pivot table used without having to select "Data-Pivot Table-Back" each
    > time. There are about 50 pivot tables in this workbook and all have
    > to be updated each month.
    > Thanks!
    > Don S

    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  3. #3
    Don S

    Re: Need Formula to display pivot table source data

    Bless you Debra. I've been trying to do that off and on for months.

    It worked like a charm.

    Don S

    On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:20:38 -0500, Debra Dalgleish
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >You could create a user defined function:
    >In a regular module in the workbook, enter the following code:
    >Function PTSource(rng) As String
    > Dim pt As PivotTable
    > Set pt = ActiveSheet.Range(rng.Address).PivotTable
    > PTSource = pt.SourceData
    >End Function
    >Then, on the worksheet, type: =PTSource(A3)
    >Replace the A3 with a reference to a pivot table cell on your worksheet.
    >Note: this formula won't work for pivot tables created from multiple
    >consolidation ranges.
    >Don S wrote:
    >> I have a workbook with multiple worksheets of data from which I create
    >> pivot tables. I need a way to display in a cell above my pivot table
    >> the range name (I use dynamic range names for the source data) of the
    >> source data used. In other words, I need to know which data table the
    >> pivot table used without having to select "Data-Pivot Table-Back" each
    >> time. There are about 50 pivot tables in this workbook and all have
    >> to be updated each month.
    >> Thanks!
    >> Don S

  4. #4
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Need Formula to display pivot table source data

    You're welcome. Thanks for letting me know that it worked.

    Don S wrote:
    > Bless you Debra. I've been trying to do that off and on for months.
    > It worked like a charm.
    > Thanks!!!
    > Don S
    > On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:20:38 -0500, Debra Dalgleish
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>You could create a user defined function:
    >>In a regular module in the workbook, enter the following code:
    >>Function PTSource(rng) As String
    >> Dim pt As PivotTable
    >> Set pt = ActiveSheet.Range(rng.Address).PivotTable
    >> PTSource = pt.SourceData
    >>End Function
    >>Then, on the worksheet, type: =PTSource(A3)
    >>Replace the A3 with a reference to a pivot table cell on your worksheet.
    >>Note: this formula won't work for pivot tables created from multiple
    >>consolidation ranges.
    >>Don S wrote:
    >>>I have a workbook with multiple worksheets of data from which I create
    >>>pivot tables. I need a way to display in a cell above my pivot table
    >>>the range name (I use dynamic range names for the source data) of the
    >>>source data used. In other words, I need to know which data table the
    >>>pivot table used without having to select "Data-Pivot Table-Back" each
    >>>time. There are about 50 pivot tables in this workbook and all have
    >>>to be updated each month.
    >>>Don S



    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    tacoma, wa
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    excel 2010

    Re: Need Formula to display pivot table source data

    This is the worst necro post I've ever seen I know. Sorry not sorry.

    Google brought me here and the above function from debra does EXACTLY what I needed. well did do what I needed.

    my objective is to quickly check if a refreshed pivot table is capturing all the new data that was put into it. I have 2 boxes with a 3rd that asks if they are equal and is conditionally formatted to give a color depending on the result.

    1st box has the formula: =ROUND(LEFT(RIGHT(A1,8),5),0) with "A1" being the PTSOURCE function result debra mentions above (there are ~10k rows so I wanted the 5 digit row # to compare against the total non blank rows in the 2nd box)

    2nd box has the formula: =(COUNTA(Surveillances!A:A)) which just counts how many cells in the first column have data.

    a button fires the below macro that refreshes the data.

    Sub refresh_pivot()
    End Sub
    This worked fine until I realized that the refresh macro was stored in my personal workbook folder and not the file itself. I moved where it pulled from and ever since the function returns only a #value error. I typed it more than once perfectly, copied/pasted, etc. I replaced it into my personal folder as well as the workbook and it still won't work.

    any ideas?


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