I was given this formula for automatically setting the dates in a timesheet for a two week period:

="Work Period"&TEXT(TODAY()-MOD(TODAY(),14)+7*IF(MOD(TODAY(),14)<7,-1,1),"mmmm d")&"-"&TEXT(TODAY()-MOD(TODAY(),14)+7*IF(MOD(TODAY(),14)<7,-1,1)+13,"mmmm d yyyy")

As is this is supposed to start on saturday and end on friday

This works great. But I reallized I need it to do a few more things

1) I need it to not auto update when the initial two week time period is over. This way when the two week period is over I can save it for later reference.

2) i need to be able to start the time sheet on any day that I create it, but assign the starting saturday to whatever one I want. That way if I forget to create the time sheet on saturday i can start it on, say monday with the previous saturday as the first day on the sheet.