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external links

  1. #1

    external links

    When I edit external links within excel, I end up with the link showing up as
    text in the cell instead of it actually pulling information from the linked
    cell. ='[Current Weekly Job Detail.xls]Sheet4'!$C$1 works fine until I
    select the cell and edit it to reference Sheet5. Then I just get the formula
    itself instead of the value in the linked cell.

    Is there a configuration switch that causes this?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Harlan Grove

    Re: external links

    ghoward wrote...
    >When I edit external links within excel, I end up with the link

    showing up as
    >text in the cell instead of it actually pulling information from the

    >cell. ='[Current Weekly Job Detail.xls]Sheet4'!$C$1 works fine until

    >select the cell and edit it to reference Sheet5. Then I just get the

    >itself instead of the value in the linked cell.
    >Is there a configuration switch that causes this?

    Does this change if you press the [Ctrl]+~ key combination? If not, is
    the number format Text?

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: external links

    Excel likes to be helpful.

    Try this on a new worksheet
    Format A1 as a date
    put =A1 in B1

    format B1 as General
    select B1, F2 (to edit) and hit enter.

    Excel likes to help!

    Try the same thing, but this time format A1 as Text.
    Select B1, F2 (to edit) and hit enter.

    B1 now has a Text format.

    I don't think you can change excel's behavior. Just change the number format to
    what you want and then F2|enter.

    ghoward wrote:
    > When I edit external links within excel, I end up with the link showing up as
    > text in the cell instead of it actually pulling information from the linked
    > cell. ='[Current Weekly Job Detail.xls]Sheet4'!$C$1 works fine until I
    > select the cell and edit it to reference Sheet5. Then I just get the formula
    > itself instead of the value in the linked cell.
    > Is there a configuration switch that causes this?
    > Thanks in advance
    > Greg


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4

    Re: external links

    Thanks for the help. It is tiresome but it works.


    "Dave Peterson" wrote:

    > Excel likes to be helpful.
    > Try this on a new worksheet
    > Format A1 as a date
    > put =A1 in B1
    > format B1 as General
    > select B1, F2 (to edit) and hit enter.
    > Excel likes to help!
    > ===
    > Try the same thing, but this time format A1 as Text.
    > Select B1, F2 (to edit) and hit enter.
    > B1 now has a Text format.
    > ===
    > I don't think you can change excel's behavior. Just change the number format to
    > what you want and then F2|enter.
    > ghoward wrote:
    > >
    > > When I edit external links within excel, I end up with the link showing up as
    > > text in the cell instead of it actually pulling information from the linked
    > > cell. ='[Current Weekly Job Detail.xls]Sheet4'!$C$1 works fine until I
    > > select the cell and edit it to reference Sheet5. Then I just get the formula
    > > itself instead of the value in the linked cell.
    > >
    > > Is there a configuration switch that causes this?
    > >
    > > Thanks in advance
    > > Greg
    > >

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

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