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Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

  1. #1

    Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    Can anyone help me figure out a formula for the following sliding bonus

    To receive a bonus, Gross Profit must be at least $250,000
    Once minimum is met, bonuses are calculated as a percent of the Adjusted GP
    (GP minus $250,000) as follows:

    If Actual GP is under $500,000:
    3% of Adjusted GP

    If Actual GP is $500,000 up to $750,000:
    3% of first $250,000
    4% of balance of Adjusted GP

    If Actual GP is over $750,000:
    3% of first $250,000
    4% of second $250,000
    4.5% of balance of Adjusted GP


  2. #2
    Jason Morin

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    See here for an example:


    Atlanta, GA

    >-----Original Message-----
    >Can anyone help me figure out a formula for the

    following sliding bonus
    >To receive a bonus, Gross Profit must be at least

    >Once minimum is met, bonuses are calculated as a percent

    of the Adjusted GP
    >(GP minus $250,000) as follows:
    >If Actual GP is under $500,000:
    >3% of Adjusted GP
    >If Actual GP is $500,000 up to $750,000:
    >3% of first $250,000
    >4% of balance of Adjusted GP
    >If Actual GP is over $750,000:
    >3% of first $250,000
    >4% of second $250,000
    >4.5% of balance of Adjusted GP

  3. #3

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    Thanks, but I don't think the SUMPRODUCT function will work because I'm not
    going to have the data listed...

    In my spreadsheet, a person will type in the Actual Gross Profit in cell D29
    and then the result of the calculation (where the formula is) will be in cell

    "Jason Morin" wrote:

    > See here for an example:
    > http://www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/variablerate.html
    > HTH
    > Jason
    > Atlanta, GA
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >Can anyone help me figure out a formula for the

    > following sliding bonus
    > >scenario:
    > >
    > >To receive a bonus, Gross Profit must be at least

    > $250,000
    > >Once minimum is met, bonuses are calculated as a percent

    > of the Adjusted GP
    > >(GP minus $250,000) as follows:
    > >
    > >If Actual GP is under $500,000:
    > >3% of Adjusted GP
    > >
    > >If Actual GP is $500,000 up to $750,000:
    > >3% of first $250,000
    > >4% of balance of Adjusted GP
    > >
    > >If Actual GP is over $750,000:
    > >3% of first $250,000
    > >4% of second $250,000
    > >4.5% of balance of Adjusted GP
    > >
    > >Thanks!!
    > >.
    > >


  4. #4
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    Did you try it?

    The whole article is based on entering your AGP in one cell...

    Your example is a rather straightforward application of the first
    technique shown:


    The remaining techniques make things more flexible, but aren't required.

    In article <FC2BD26F-D92B-456C-9E2D-B47DF5B296FE@microsoft.com>,
    "vnsrod2000" <vnsrod2000@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

    > Thanks, but I don't think the SUMPRODUCT function will work because I'm not
    > going to have the data listed...
    > In my spreadsheet, a person will type in the Actual Gross Profit in cell D29
    > and then the result of the calculation (where the formula is) will be in cell
    > D31.

  5. #5

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    Sorry, I see now that it is applicable...However, maybe because I'm not as
    savvy with the formulas, I cannot get it to work. The one you include doesn't
    calculate properly(if it was intended to). If actual GP is $850,000, then the
    result should be $22,000.

    Any further assistance is appreicated....Thanks.

    "JE McGimpsey" wrote:

    > Did you try it?
    > The whole article is based on entering your AGP in one cell...
    > Your example is a rather straightforward application of the first
    > technique shown:
    > =IF(D29>=250000,SUMPRODUCT(--(D29>{0,500000,750000}),
    > (D29-{0,500000,750000}),{0.03,0.01,0.005}),0)
    > The remaining techniques make things more flexible, but aren't required.
    > In article <FC2BD26F-D92B-456C-9E2D-B47DF5B296FE@microsoft.com>,
    > "vnsrod2000" <vnsrod2000@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
    > > Thanks, but I don't think the SUMPRODUCT function will work because I'm not
    > > going to have the data listed...
    > >
    > > In my spreadsheet, a person will type in the Actual Gross Profit in cell D29
    > > and then the result of the calculation (where the formula is) will be in cell
    > > D31.


  6. #6
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    vnsrod2000 wrote...
    >Sorry, I see now that it is applicable...However, maybe because I'm

    not as
    >savvy with the formulas, I cannot get it to work. The one you include

    >calculate properly(if it was intended to). If actual GP is $850,000,

    then the
    >result should be $22,000.
    >Any further assistance is appreicated....Thanks.


    JE may have been a little hasty in his specific formula, but the
    technique is sound. Try


  7. #7

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    Seems to be working brilliantly!
    Thanks Harlan
    Thanks JE
    Thanks Jason

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:

    > vnsrod2000 wrote...
    > >Sorry, I see now that it is applicable...However, maybe because I'm

    > not as
    > >savvy with the formulas, I cannot get it to work. The one you include

    > doesn't
    > >calculate properly(if it was intended to). If actual GP is $850,000,

    > then the
    > >result should be $22,000.
    > >
    > >Any further assistance is appreicated....Thanks.

    > ....
    > JE may have been a little hasty in his specific formula, but the
    > technique is sound. Try
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(GP>{250,500,750}*1000),GP-{250,500,750}*1000,{0.03,0.01,0.005})

  8. #8
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Logical Function - Multiple IF statements

    In article <1107554646.537251.79710@l41g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
    "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote:

    > JE may have been a little hasty in his specific formula

    Indeed. Thanks for the correction!

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