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add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

  1. #1

    add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    I would like to add a column to a pivot table that would show the
    difference between the two other columns.

    Below is a sample of data and the pivot table I can get to.


    1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    ...............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    ...............Average of hrs2...........6...........8

    What I would like is to add a column ("Diff") to the right, after
    "2004" column to show the difference between 2004 and 2003-to
    look like

    1.............Sum of hrs...............30.......3.........-27
    ................Average of hrs2.........6........3..........-3
    2.............Sum of hrs............... 6.......8...........2
    ...............Average of hrs2..........6........8............2


  2. #2
    Ken Wright

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    You have a couple of ways of handling this. First you can insert a
    calculated item to handle this:-

    With your table as you had it, drag the project type into the ROW fields,
    the Year into the COLUMN fields, and the Hrs into the DATA field. Now click
    on any of the years headings, ie 2003 or 2004, and then with the Pivot table
    toolbar showing, click on Pivot Table / Formulas / Calculated item

    On the dialog box that appears, replace the 'Formula1' with some logical
    title such as 'Delta', and then with Year selected in the box on the left,
    in the box where it says ' Formula = 0', delete the 0, double click the
    2004, type - and then double click the 2003 such that the formula now looks
    like = '2004'- '2003'. Now just hit OK and it will be added.

    This works fine most of the time, but depending on how big your Pivot table
    is, it may well bring it to it's knees. I use a laptop with a 1.7GHz
    Centrino processor and 1GB of RAM. That is a lot of processing power, and
    on some of my Pivot Tables (Which are admittedly huge), it often gets to a
    point where it just cant handle putting this Delta in and crashes. I am
    often dragging hundreds of thousands of rows of data though from Access as
    my source. The workaround I use it to make all the data for say 2003
    negative and then use the normal Row totals as my delta field which puts no
    extra strain on the system at all. Very quick and simple to do, so if the
    first way doesn't work for any reason then post back.

    Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

    It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

    <jbesr1230@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > I would like to add a column to a pivot table that would show the
    > difference between the two other columns.
    > Below is a sample of data and the pivot table I can get to.
    > PrjType.........YR...........hrs
    > 1...............2003............5
    > 1...............2004............3
    > 2...............2003............6
    > 2...............2004............8
    > 1...............2003............7
    > 1...............2003............6
    > 1...............2003............5
    > 1...............2003............7
    > .......................................____YR_______
    > ProjType......Data...................2003.........2004
    > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........8
    > What I would like is to add a column ("Diff") to the right, after
    > "2004" column to show the difference between 2004 and 2003-to
    > look like
    > ......................................___YR____
    > ProjType......Data...................2003.....2004......Diff
    > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30.......3.........-27
    > ...............Average of hrs2.........6........3..........-3
    > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6.......8...........2
    > ..............Average of hrs2..........6........8............2
    > Thanks

  3. #3
    Ken Wright

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    Should have said - in the first method, you need to lose the Grand Totals
    for the rows from the Table options, as they are nonsensical in this

    Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

    It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

    "Ken Wright" <ken.wright@NOSPAMntlworld.com> wrote in message
    > You have a couple of ways of handling this. First you can insert a
    > calculated item to handle this:-
    > With your table as you had it, drag the project type into the ROW fields,
    > the Year into the COLUMN fields, and the Hrs into the DATA field. Now

    > on any of the years headings, ie 2003 or 2004, and then with the Pivot

    > toolbar showing, click on Pivot Table / Formulas / Calculated item
    > On the dialog box that appears, replace the 'Formula1' with some logical
    > title such as 'Delta', and then with Year selected in the box on the left,
    > in the box where it says ' Formula = 0', delete the 0, double click the
    > 2004, type - and then double click the 2003 such that the formula now

    > like = '2004'- '2003'. Now just hit OK and it will be added.
    > This works fine most of the time, but depending on how big your Pivot

    > is, it may well bring it to it's knees. I use a laptop with a 1.7GHz
    > Centrino processor and 1GB of RAM. That is a lot of processing power, and
    > on some of my Pivot Tables (Which are admittedly huge), it often gets to a
    > point where it just cant handle putting this Delta in and crashes. I am
    > often dragging hundreds of thousands of rows of data though from Access as
    > my source. The workaround I use it to make all the data for say 2003
    > negative and then use the normal Row totals as my delta field which puts

    > extra strain on the system at all. Very quick and simple to do, so if the
    > first way doesn't work for any reason then post back.
    > --
    > Regards
    > Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    > Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > <jbesr1230@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:1107063448.672478.262260@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
    > > Hello,
    > > I would like to add a column to a pivot table that would show the
    > > difference between the two other columns.
    > >
    > > Below is a sample of data and the pivot table I can get to.
    > >
    > > PrjType.........YR...........hrs
    > > 1...............2003............5
    > > 1...............2004............3
    > > 2...............2003............6
    > > 2...............2004............8
    > > 1...............2003............7
    > > 1...............2003............6
    > > 1...............2003............5
    > > 1...............2003............7
    > >
    > >
    > > .......................................____YR_______
    > > ProjType......Data...................2003.........2004
    > > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    > > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    > > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    > > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........8
    > >
    > > What I would like is to add a column ("Diff") to the right, after
    > > "2004" column to show the difference between 2004 and 2003-to
    > > look like
    > >
    > > ......................................___YR____
    > > ProjType......Data...................2003.....2004......Diff
    > > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30.......3.........-27
    > > ...............Average of hrs2.........6........3..........-3
    > > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6.......8...........2
    > > ..............Average of hrs2..........6........8............2
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > >


  4. #4

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    Tried tinkering around with the OP's pivot display replicated as a start
    point earlier, viz,:

    1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    ...............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    ...............Average of hrs2...........6...........8

    Right-clicking on say: "2003" > Formulas > Calculated Items resulted in an
    error msg: "Multiple data fields of the same field are not supported when a
    Pivot Table has calculated items" So it looked like a dead-end there ..

    Followed your schema, got it (the calculated items bit) up with SUM (only),
    but it failed when I tried similarly with AVERAGE, throwing up the error
    msg: "Averages, std deviations and variances are not supported when a Pivot
    Table has calculated items"

    Above experimented in Excel 97. Not sure whether the limitations above apply
    to later versions though ..
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    Ken Wright <ken.wright@NOSPAMntlworld.com> wrote in message
    > Should have said - in the first method, you need to lose the Grand Totals
    > for the rows from the Table options, as they are nonsensical in this
    > context.
    > --
    > Regards
    > Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    > Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > "Ken Wright" <ken.wright@NOSPAMntlworld.com> wrote in message
    > news:%23zs$JvrBFHA.2392@TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
    > > You have a couple of ways of handling this. First you can insert a
    > > calculated item to handle this:-
    > >
    > > With your table as you had it, drag the project type into the ROW

    > > the Year into the COLUMN fields, and the Hrs into the DATA field. Now

    > click
    > > on any of the years headings, ie 2003 or 2004, and then with the Pivot

    > table
    > > toolbar showing, click on Pivot Table / Formulas / Calculated item
    > >
    > > On the dialog box that appears, replace the 'Formula1' with some logical
    > > title such as 'Delta', and then with Year selected in the box on the

    > > in the box where it says ' Formula = 0', delete the 0, double click the
    > > 2004, type - and then double click the 2003 such that the formula now

    > looks
    > > like = '2004'- '2003'. Now just hit OK and it will be added.
    > >
    > > This works fine most of the time, but depending on how big your Pivot

    > table
    > > is, it may well bring it to it's knees. I use a laptop with a 1.7GHz
    > > Centrino processor and 1GB of RAM. That is a lot of processing power,

    > > on some of my Pivot Tables (Which are admittedly huge), it often gets to

    > > point where it just cant handle putting this Delta in and crashes. I am
    > > often dragging hundreds of thousands of rows of data though from Access

    > > my source. The workaround I use it to make all the data for say 2003
    > > negative and then use the normal Row totals as my delta field which puts

    > no
    > > extra strain on the system at all. Very quick and simple to do, so if

    > > first way doesn't work for any reason then post back.
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards
    > > Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    > > Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --
    > > It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --
    > >
    > > <jbesr1230@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > > news:1107063448.672478.262260@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
    > > > Hello,
    > > > I would like to add a column to a pivot table that would show the
    > > > difference between the two other columns.
    > > >
    > > > Below is a sample of data and the pivot table I can get to.
    > > >
    > > > PrjType.........YR...........hrs
    > > > 1...............2003............5
    > > > 1...............2004............3
    > > > 2...............2003............6
    > > > 2...............2004............8
    > > > 1...............2003............7
    > > > 1...............2003............6
    > > > 1...............2003............5
    > > > 1...............2003............7
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > .......................................____YR_______
    > > > ProjType......Data...................2003.........2004
    > > > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    > > > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    > > > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    > > > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........8
    > > >
    > > > What I would like is to add a column ("Diff") to the right, after
    > > > "2004" column to show the difference between 2004 and 2003-to
    > > > look like
    > > >
    > > > ......................................___YR____
    > > > ProjType......Data...................2003.....2004......Diff
    > > > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30.......3.........-27
    > > > ...............Average of hrs2.........6........3..........-3
    > > > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6.......8...........2
    > > > ..............Average of hrs2..........6........8............2
    > > >
    > > > Thanks
    > > >

    > >
    > >


  5. #5
    Ken Wright

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    Hmmm - must admit I missed the bit with th two fields in there - Will take a
    look and post back - Cheers for the catch Max.

    Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

    It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)


  6. #6
    Ken Wright

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    Good pickup Max, same in current versions. Plan B then in my book :-)

    Autofilter your data and filter on just 2003. Put -1 in an empty cell and
    copy the cell. Select all the visible data (numerics only) and do edit / Go
    To / Special / Visible cells only, then do Edit / Paste Special / Multiply.
    Now just refresh your table. Not ideal because one set of data is all
    negative, but you can now use the Grand Totals for rows as your delta field.

    Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

    It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

    "Ken Wright" <ken.wright@NOSPAMntlworld.com> wrote in message
    > Hmmm - must admit I missed the bit with th two fields in there - Will take

    > look and post back - Cheers for the catch Max.
    > --
    > Regards
    > Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
    > Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > <snip>

  7. #7
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the differencebetween 2 other Columns

    Add another copy of the Hours field to the data area
    Right-click on the heading for the new field
    Choose Field Settings
    Type a name for the field, e.g. Change
    Click the Options button
    For 'Show Data as', choose 'Difference From'
    As the Base Field, choose Year
    As the Base Item, choose (previous)
    Click OK

    jbesr1230@hotmail.com wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I would like to add a column to a pivot table that would show the
    > difference between the two other columns.
    > Below is a sample of data and the pivot table I can get to.
    > PrjType.........YR...........hrs
    > 1...............2003............5
    > 1...............2004............3
    > 2...............2003............6
    > 2...............2004............8
    > 1...............2003............7
    > 1...............2003............6
    > 1...............2003............5
    > 1...............2003............7
    > .......................................____YR_______
    > ProjType......Data...................2003.........2004
    > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30...........3
    > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........3
    > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6...........8
    > ..............Average of hrs2...........6...........8
    > What I would like is to add a column ("Diff") to the right, after
    > "2004" column to show the difference between 2004 and 2003-to
    > look like
    > ......................................___YR____
    > ProjType......Data...................2003.....2004......Diff
    > 1.............Sum of hrs...............30.......3.........-27
    > ...............Average of hrs2.........6........3..........-3
    > 2.............Sum of hrs............... 6.......8...........2
    > ..............Average of hrs2..........6........8............2
    > Thanks

    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  8. #8

    Re: add a column to a pivot table that would show the difference between 2 other Columns

    Ken Wright <ken.wright@NOSPAMntlworld.com> wrote
    > Good pickup Max, same in current versions. Plan B then in my book :-)

    Thanks for the confirmation, Ken. At least I can rest easy on this <g>
    I'm gonna leave it to the OP to try your plan B ..

    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com

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