Thank you; however, EXCEL doesn't like the "" part of the formula. I will
continue to manipulate the formula, but as of now Excel won't allow it, is
says there is an error in the Help Bubble and won't let me hit ENTER.
Again, any assistance is appreciated. Thank you
"Henrik" wrote:
> Try:
> =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($D$2,Table!$A$1:$B$26,2,False)),"",VLOOKUP($D$2,Table!$A$1:$B$26,2,False))
> Good luck,
> Henrik
> "Mac Landers" wrote:
> > I have the following formula, =VLOOKUP($D$2,Table!$A$1:$B$26,2,False)*G2,
> > that returns #N/A in numerous cells. Obviously this is not professional
> > looking and I would like to hide them or at least make them zero's and
> > conditional format to hide them. I have tried the ISNA function which works
> > on the #N/A but it returns FALSE when I use it on a cell that otherwise
> > returns a value. I must have the same formula in every cell because my data
> > changes monthly.
> >
> > Any guidance is much appreciated.
> >