OK, basically what I want is one combo box with three options: "Yes", "No"
and "Void and Reissue".

When the user selects "Yes" from the first combo box I want a second combo
box to appear and have several options to choose from that are unique to the
"Yes" selection. The options need to by linked to a range of cells (that can
be updated with a link to another file) on the same sheet.

If the user selects "No" from the first combo box I want the second combo
box to appear again and have a different set of options that are unique to
"No". Again the options need to be linked to a range of cells on the same

If the user selects "Void and Reissue" then the second combo box will remain

If the first combo box is cleared the second combo box should be hidden.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

Private Sub Deduct_Change()
'shows user deduction results
If Deduct.Value = "Yes" Then
Deduct2.Visible = True
Deduct2.ListFillRange = "c127:c129"
End If

If Deduct.Value = "No" Then _
Deduct2.Visible = True
Deduct2.ListFillRange = "c131:c133"
End If

If Deduct.Value = "Void and Reissue" Then _
Deduct2.Visible = False
End If

If Deduct.Value = "" Then _
Deduct2.Visible = False
End If

End Sub

It's not working though. It keeps giving an "End If without Block If" error
when I try to execute.