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Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges

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  1. #1
    Ralph Howarth

    Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges

    Is it possible to have Named dynamic ranges for a worksheet included in
    formulas in another worksheet; but have the formulas automatically add rows
    of more formulas for each row found in the source worksheet?

    I find that I simply have to replicate formulas a good swath of rows to
    ensure that all source data rows are calculated while using many IF
    statements to prevent empty rows of the source data worksheet from appearing
    as zeros in the formula worksheet.

    I have variable rows on the source worksheet where the header row is on row
    3 and the formula worksheet has the header row on row 1.

  2. #2
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges


    Formulas can't add any rows, they only can display a value in same cell they
    are in - depending on parameters.

    There is hard to advice anything with so sparse information - some example
    of real data and formulas along with description of sheet design would be a
    great help. But in general, usually there is some column in source workbook
    having non-empty value whenever there are some data in row. Then you can
    easily check it in target workbook. Something like this:
    When you have to check several cells, then something like:
    (the last formula checks for formulas returning not an empty string)

    When sending mail, use address arvil<at>tarkon.ee
    Arvi Laanemets

    "Ralph Howarth" <RalphHowarth@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Is it possible to have Named dynamic ranges for a worksheet included in
    > formulas in another worksheet; but have the formulas automatically add

    > of more formulas for each row found in the source worksheet?
    > I find that I simply have to replicate formulas a good swath of rows to
    > ensure that all source data rows are calculated while using many IF
    > statements to prevent empty rows of the source data worksheet from

    > as zeros in the formula worksheet.
    > I have variable rows on the source worksheet where the header row is on

    > 3 and the formula worksheet has the header row on row 1.

  3. #3
    Ralph Howarth

    Re: Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges

    "Arvi Laanemets" wrote:

    > But in general, usually there is some column in source workbook
    > having non-empty value whenever there are some data in row. Then you can
    > easily check it in target workbook. Something like this:
    > =IF(SourceSheet!A2="","",YourFormula)

    The first option is exactly what I am doing with the target worksheet full
    of formulas. I simply have a few hundred rows of formulas in the target
    worksheet to cover above and beyond the variable number of rows in the data
    source worksheet. I suppose this is the best I can do with formulas.

    But the formulas are essentially the same for each cell down a given column.
    The only difference is the row reference changes down the column. It seems
    to me that I could make a macro / VB script that can count the number of rows
    in the dynamic range of the data source worksheet and then write on a target
    worksheet cell by cell, row by row, the results of formulas applied by VBA.
    It seems to me that someone may have already created such automation.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges


    I have made a couple of workbooks behaving likely, using workbooks Open
    event or macro, but there are limits. The problem is the optimal number of
    added rows.

    I used Open event for cases, the number of added rows is fixed, i.e. every
    week a new row is added to table, or for every active object in some objects
    list a new row is added every week. The code checks the last weeknumber in
    the table, compares it with current weeknumber/month, and adds row(s) for
    every missing week/month.

    In another application (working time registration), the number of rows
    (depends on number of employees in department) with formulas premade is
    determined on SetUp sheet, and after changing the number of rows (it must be
    at least equal to their number in employees list) the user can start a macro
    which redesigns the sheet. The macro counts existing premade rows and adds
    or deletes rows depending the number in SetUp table.

    When the number of new rows filled by user isn't limited in any way, there
    is a considerable risk, that entries are inserted into unprepared rows (when
    there is a possibility, the user can do something in wrong way, he does it)

    When sending mail, use address arvil<at>tarkon.ee
    Arvi Laanemets

    "Ralph Howarth" <RalphHowarth@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > "Arvi Laanemets" wrote:
    > >...
    > > But in general, usually there is some column in source workbook
    > > having non-empty value whenever there are some data in row. Then you can
    > > easily check it in target workbook. Something like this:
    > > =IF(SourceSheet!A2="","",YourFormula)
    > >

    > The first option is exactly what I am doing with the target worksheet full
    > of formulas. I simply have a few hundred rows of formulas in the target
    > worksheet to cover above and beyond the variable number of rows in the

    > source worksheet. I suppose this is the best I can do with formulas.
    > But the formulas are essentially the same for each cell down a given

    > The only difference is the row reference changes down the column. It

    > to me that I could make a macro / VB script that can count the number of

    > in the dynamic range of the data source worksheet and then write on a

    > worksheet cell by cell, row by row, the results of formulas applied by

    > It seems to me that someone may have already created such automation.
    > Thanks for your help!

  5. #5
    Ralph Howarth

    Re: Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges

    The setup table of premade formulas is much what I was thinking as the next
    logical step towards automation. I was thinking that a macro can perform a
    COUNTA of one column in the source data that represents the key field. From
    there have a Setup Worksheet be read with some premade formulas, and then
    have a VBA script use a FOR-NEXT loop to calculate a row at a time using the
    formulas, then increment 1 for the next row to change the references back to
    the source data sheet that one row. Each row lays down until there is
    nothing less to copy / calculate over.

    I'll be chewing on this one for a while.

  6. #6
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: Dynamic Formulas with Dynamic Ranges


    Here is a procedure I used. On sheets for current and previous months for
    every row determined in setup are 4 rows in table (4 rows for every

    Public Sub Seadistus()
    ' Removing passwords
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EelmineKuu").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("Nimekiri").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK1").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK2").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK3").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK4").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK1").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK2").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK3").Unprotect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK4").Unprotect Password:="***"
    ' Setting up sheet JooksevKuu (CurrentMonth)
    NewNumAll = Sheets("Seaded").Cells(5, 2).Value
    LastRow = Sheets("JooksevKuu").Cells.Find("*",
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 8) / 4
    i = 0
    Do Until i = NumAllR
    If Sheets("JooksevKuu").Cells(9 + 4 * i, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do
    If i > 0 And Sheets("JooksevKuu").Cells(9 + 4 * i, 3).Value = ""
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Range((9 + 4 * i) & ":" & (12 + 4 *
    NumAllR = NmAllR - 1
    LastRow = LastRow - 4
    i = i + 1
    End If
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Range((9 + 4 * NewNumAll) & ":" &
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Range((LastRow - 3) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("JooksevKuu").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 8 + 4 * NewNumAll))
    End Select
    'Copying department name from sheet Seaded (SetUp)
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Cells(3, 3).Value = Sheets("Seaded").Cells(1,
    'Copying department chief name from sheet Seaded
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Cells(4, 3).Value = Sheets("Seaded").Cells(2,
    ' Setting up sheet JK1
    LastRow = Sheets("JK1").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("JK1").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("JK1").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("JK1").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet JK2
    LastRow = Sheets("JK2").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("JK2").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("JK2").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("JK2").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet JK3
    LastRow = Sheets("JK3").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("JK3").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("JK3").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("JK3").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet JK4
    LastRow = Sheets("JK4").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("JK4").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("JK4").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("JK4").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet EelmineKuu (PreviousMonth)
    LastRow = Sheets("EelmineKuu").Cells.Find("*",
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 8) / 4
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("EelmineKuu").Range((9 + 4 * NewNumAll) & ":" &
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("EelmineKuu").Range((LastRow - 3) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("EelmineKuu").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 8 + 4 * NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet EK1
    LastRow = Sheets("EK1").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("EK1").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("EK1").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("EK1").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet EK2
    LastRow = Sheets("EK2").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("EK2").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("EK2").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("EK2").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet EK3
    LastRow = Sheets("EK3").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("EK3").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("EK3").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("EK3").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Setting up sheet EK4
    LastRow = Sheets("EK4").Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    NumAllR = (LastRow - 2)
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("EK4").Range((2 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("EK4").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("EK4").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 2 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Seting up sheet Nimekiri (Employees list)
    NewNumAll = Sheets("Seaded").Cells(11, 2).Value
    LastRow = Sheets("Nimekiri").Cells.Find("*",
    NumAllR = LastRow - 1
    Select Case NewNumAll
    Case Is < NumAllR
    Sheets("Nimekiri").Range((1 + NewNumAll) & ":" & LastRow).Delete
    Case Is > NumAllR
    Sheets("Nimekiri").Range((LastRow) & ":" & LastRow).Copy
    (Sheets("Nimekiri").Range((LastRow + 1) & ":" & 1 + NewNumAll))
    End Select
    ' Protecting worksheets
    Sheets("JooksevKuu").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EelmineKuu").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("Nimekiri").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK1").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK2").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK3").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("JK4").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK1").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK2").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK3").Protect Password:="***"
    Sheets("EK4").Protect Password:="***"
    End Sub

    When sending mail, use address arvil<at>tarkon.ee
    Arvi Laanemets

    "Ralph Howarth" <RalphHowarth@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > The setup table of premade formulas is much what I was thinking as the

    > logical step towards automation. I was thinking that a macro can perform

    > COUNTA of one column in the source data that represents the key field.

    > there have a Setup Worksheet be read with some premade formulas, and then
    > have a VBA script use a FOR-NEXT loop to calculate a row at a time using

    > formulas, then increment 1 for the next row to change the references back

    > the source data sheet that one row. Each row lays down until there is
    > nothing less to copy / calculate over.
    > I'll be chewing on this one for a while.

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