thank you ... this worked
"Aladin Akyurek" wrote:
> Assuming a single-dimension numerical range (vector) like B2:B20 or C2:N2...
> =LOOKUP(2,1/(Range>0),Range)
> If the numerical range is a whole column reference, say, A:A from A2 on:
> =LOOKUP(2,1/(A2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,A:A))>0),A2:INDEX(A:A,MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,A:A)))
> A cell reference can be substituted for the MATCH bit if this bit is put
> in a cell of its own as a formula.
> rolan wrote:
> > i want to copy the value in the last cell in a rane of data that is greater
> > than 0 to another cell