=SUMPRODUCT(--('DETAIL 11-04 CTRTS'!$A$4:$A$842=DATE(2004,11,2))*('DETAIL
11-04 CTRTS'!$K$4:$K$842=" ")*('DETAIL 11-04 CTRTS'!$E$4:$E$842)) I need to
sum column E based upon a date condition in A and a blank in K. The above
returns 0.00.

When I use the above statement and change the K condition to >0 it returns
the sum of negative values meeting the date condition in A (the K value of
those records and only those records is some text). When the K condition is
<0 the statement returns 0.00. K is formatted as text But I need to also
test for a blank field.

Your help is appreciated as always
