Let me start with apology. I am an excel user who (until now) thought I was quite good with excel. Unfortunately it appears that I may need to use a macro and I have no no experience with them at all......![]()
My issue is that I have a 3000 rows of address information. However all the details are contained within one cell. I need each line of the address to be seperated and put into their own cell. Unfortunately each line is not consisently sepereated by the same value. The seperators are:
- carriage returns (most common)
- commas
Has anybody any ideas? I have being attemtping to use [Selection.Replace What:=Chr(10), Replacement:="<,>" ] and to then save the file as delimted csv. But I actually have no idea about macros and thus I am going nowehere fast!!!
Can anybody walk me through what I need to do?