Hi I have a cell that can sometimes be blank but usually has IDs. In some cases the IDs include a prefix of 3 letters that tells me what team that ID belongs to.
Look up values (in a separate sheet called specialties prefix)
Car Cardiology
Der Dermatology
ID Team (DI
CAR-001 Cardiology
TFT0101 Not Found
Der0014 Dermatology
IF(F2="","",IFERROR(INDEX('[Specialty Prefixes .xlsm]Prefix'!$B$2:$B$54,MATCH(LEFT(A2,3),'[Specialty Prefixes .xlsm]Prefix'!$A$2:$A$54,0),"not found"),INDEX('[Specialty Prefixes .xlsm]Prefix'!$B$2:$B$54,MATCH(LEFT(F2,3),'[Specialty Prefixes .xlsm]Prefix'!$A$2:$A$54,0),1)))
This formula works great to identify the prefix (if there is data in there) and provide me with the right team but when it does not find a prefix, it gives you N/A. I would like it to not show up as an error but to say "Not found" instead. I know how to do this with a simple formula but this has so many sections that no matter where i try to add the "not found", the formula does not work for me. Can anyone help?
Many thanks in advance.
Apologies if i have not followed the appropriate process. This is probably my 2nd post here!