In the attached example, I'm looking for three different formulas, one is a dynamic lookup based on a date, and the other two are a dynamic lookup that incorporates a countif function.
1) For worksheet "(MatchUp)" cells C3 & C4, I'm looking to display a value that correlates to the date listed in "(MatchUp)" cell B2 and [worksheet "Alb" or "AP"] columns A and P. In the "(MatchUp)" tab, since cell B2 has a value of "06-02-25", a value of "5" is returned in cell C3 because in the "Alb" worksheet there is a value of "5" in cell A26 and a value of "06-02-25" in cell P26.
2) For worksheet "(MatchUp)" cell F3, I'm looking to display two countif formula results in one cell.
a) In order to return the result of "1-2" in cell F3, here's how each number is calculated:
-For the number on the left side of the hyphen in "(MatchUp)" tab cell F3, because cell E3 is "Alb", AND since cell K3 is "10.5", AND cell I3 is "Conf, Away" THEN I'm looking to display the number of times the value in worksheet "Alb" column F is >=10.5 AND there is an "@" in column Q (this represents "Away") AND there is a "Yes" in column D (this represents "Conference"), AND there is a value <0 in column E.
-For the number on the right side of the hyphen in "(MatchUp)" tab cell F3, because cell E3 is "Alb", AND since cell K3 is "10.5", AND cell I3 is "Conf, Away", THEN I'm looking to display the number of times the value in worksheet "Alb" column F is >=10.5 AND there is an "@" in column Q AND there is a "Yes" in column D, AND there is a value >0 in column E.
b) In order to return the result of "0-3" in cell G3, here's how each number is calculated:
-For the number on the left side of the hyphen in "(MatchUp)" tab cell G3, because worksheet "(MatchUp)" cell E3 is "Alb", AND since cell J3 is "158.5", AND cell I3 is "Conf, Away" THEN I'm looking to display the number of times the value in worksheet "Alb" column J is >=158.5 AND there is an "@" in column Q (this represents "Away") AND there is a "Yes" in column D (this represents "Conference"), AND the value in column H is >0.
-For the number on the right side of the hyphen in "(MatchUp)" tab cell G3, because worksheet "(MatchUp)" cell E3 is "Alb", AND since cell J3 is "158.5", AND cell I3 is "Conf, Home", THEN I'm looking to display the number of times the value in worksheet "Alb" column J is >=158.5 AND there is an "@" in column Q AND there is a "Yes" in column D, AND the value in column H <0.
In cells F6, F7, G6, & G7 I've shown what the results would be if the variables in I3 & I4 were both changed to "Conf".
All cells in blue represent cells that will have data manually input by the user.